Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


May 15, 2024

Welcome To Comment Cafe Drama Class!​

Join us for some amazing acting sessions, meet new people, and flip TikTok on its back!​

Disclaimer: anything that is said or done on TikTok or Comment Cafe is an act. We are not responsible for any snowflakes who are affected by the behaviour exhibited. If you have an issue with any of the Terms and Conditions, please do one.
Apr 10, 2024
Before the police get here, I just want to put a disclaimer up. Anything I have said, or will say in the future is just an act. I will not be acting upon any of the threats that I make or have made, and I’d just like to reiterate that calling bald, idiotic men “eggs” is not a hate crime.
I would like to make my own disclaimer as well...I MEAN EVERY WORD I'VE EVER SAID do ALL THE HOES! (Most recently Bazza.)

On the topic of Bazza...I'M COMING FOR YOUR HEAD WITH SOME SUPER GLUE AND A PIC OF ZIA'S FALSE TEETH I'm going to glue her face to the back of your giant baldy head so at least something about you is attractive, Bazza you giant b.
Iv just called Phil to see if I can borrow his solicitor. Iv got Richy on standby. These fs can’t take me down
Can I borrow Grant for a few days? I feel I need a muscle man for protection before I go into witness protection. I’ll be sure to only grass you up for minor crimes if you sort this for me. TIA x

stoney 😈

May 27, 2024
suck ya mum
So basically.... Bazza is known by a few of us following a "troll group" we was all in for mr uk tiktok.. The group fell apart when members like myself, ZIAS teeth and stoney refused to kick a man while he was down but bazzas bestie wanted to kick a man still while he was in a very very dangerous headpsace. So the group fell apart, after that bazza and co decided they would run to red and throw everyone else trying to "clear bazzas besties name" however forgetting to slip in that she was the one who went through reds Facebook screenshotted it and sent it all. The group who remained left them all alone and ever since every chance bazza gets he tries to "bait" zia teeth and stoney out. For months I watched 2 very close friends decline mentally! Have the worst things said about them and I spent months, basically years correcting people on s they had been told about them that was wrong!

Sorry for the novel 😂 that's just a short breakdown.
Thats My Girl GIF by NETFLIX