Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


No Iโ€™m not, but hence the reason people donโ€™t want to engage here . I promise Iโ€™m not , but because of all accusations people will still think I am ,thatโ€™s the reason Iโ€™m heartbroken. The only way to prove it is to dox myself and I have no reason to trust anyone here now, so glad I never outed myself to man with no name or anyone else, imagine that? Just to prove to a plm member Iโ€™m not involved with them. Thatโ€™s the reason I was not happy with people questioning me, and Iโ€™m sure thatโ€™s why people donโ€™t want to be involved here , but thatโ€™s just me ?
Girl, I seriously can't work you out, (and I've really tried)
If you're NOT part of that group and you're so 'heartbroken' then I can't understand why you dont ditch this account and open a new one?

You openly admitted to being a member of that group, unfortunately s sticks, if it was due to you panicking or feeling pressured, then do yourself a favour and open a new account.

There's been many new members, and none of them have felt the need to admit they're someone they're not, some have even doxed themselves. (NOT something I'd recommend) maybe start a fresh? That's just my advice and opinion.

btw, I'm not gonna lie, your timing is s. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Patty B

Feb 28, 2024
Walford London
I remember years ago our water was literally contaminated and we couldnโ€™t use tap water for like 2 weeks. The council had to drop off crates of water in the street and it was like every man for themselves grabbing some for their house
I ran out and came back with some sprite ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Mar 1, 2024
What did man with no name ask you to dox yourself to him? I literally keep telling people here not to dox themselves. It's getting dumb. I don't even remember what you said when you were accused of being Lottie but I think both times you've tried to sneak back in have been bad timing. It's a public form but if I'm right I think you played up to being Lottie so if people are wary that's their right.
No he never asked me to do that, but Iโ€™m saying I did have a thought of doxing myself like many others have in here to prove they are not in plm , itโ€™s upsetting to find out there are others in here who are involved with in some shape or form of being plm or trolling with peoples kids/grandkids or whatever photos on TikTok. yes some random Mushroom soup cc account accused me of being Lottie because of my username I denied it and moved on , later on someone else said something to a response Iโ€™d made to something not related , no idea who but Iโ€™ve not deleted anything. Again claiming I was mtโ€™s cam 2 girl and Lottie , that they have had their eye on me with multiple accounts in cc , so I was fed up and said yeah, I am and would be posting dirt on mt just out of spite because a few on here took that persons word and agreed with them without proof honestly made made me feel there were more than 1 plm members questioning me , and everyone else here had doubted me , I know I sound like a broken record. However Iโ€™m happy to be able to prove to myself there were plm folks in here and Iโ€™m not crazy for thinking so !!!
Mar 1, 2024
I mean,imo,the timing is probably the worst ๐Ÿ˜• since this guy has just said he's coming on one of his other accounts ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
No Iโ€™m not him , I picked the timing because he had outed himself as plm ,I had in a weird way felt vindicated because Iโ€™m not..and had been accused just because my user name , and I knew people accusing me had to be involved with them in some way to know my username was used by a plm member (Lottie) when I had no clue Who was where and when, Iโ€™ve never been in any servers or a part of that disgusting group , Iโ€™ve only been on Facebook and TikTok?

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
No Iโ€™m not him , I picked the timing because he had outed himself as plm ,I had in a weird way felt vindicated because Iโ€™m not..and had been accused just because my user name , and I knew people accusing me had to be involved with them in some way to know my username was used by a plm member (Lottie) when I had no clue Who was where and when, Iโ€™ve never been in any servers or a part of that disgusting group , Iโ€™ve only been on Facebook and TikTok?
I was just commenting on the timing. Sorry. I really know little about that lot cos I've never wanted to know. You could be anyone, I could be anyone and we are just that. I don't private message anyone, so if people get exposed I won't be regretting anything.

I haven't been accused of being anyone so I can't even advise you how to handle it.
Mar 1, 2024
Girl, I seriously can't work you out, (and I've really tried)
If you're NOT part of that group and you're so 'heartbroken' then I can't understand why you dont ditch this account and open a new one?

You openly admitted to being a member of that group, unfortunately s sticks, if it was due to you panicking or feeling pressured, then do yourself a favour and open a new account.

There's been many new members, and none of them have felt the need to admit they're someone they're not, some have even doxed themselves. (NOT something I'd recommend) maybe start a fresh? That's just my advice and opinion.

btw, I'm not gonna lie, your timing is s. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I understand people feeling that way, I also donโ€™t feel I need to open another fake /anonymous account to trick or try and manipulate people on this forum to believe me. I guess thatโ€™s why people say they have multiple accounts here so everyone questions every account here, it does work for deminishing voices
do ME!

I woke up at 4:30am and thought โ€œI know, Iโ€™ll read what I missed in CC, last nightโ€. Iโ€™m the one that needs to take drugs so I can stay awake and not miss a good time.

In regards to anal stretching, passed its sell by date milk, smack rat, server dwelling, Scottish but not Scottish cause he was born in Manchester, Johnny. We all need to stick this weirdo on ignore and give him no more attention. The reason we have PLM coming in here (and that shows from last night, and obviously a while as that alligator account seems to be one) is because Johnny is in here.

@The man with no name the last thing Iโ€™ll say to you, you promised me and Judas were PLM and you know exactly who we are. Last night you tried to throw random names out trying to guess who Judas is ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Judas and I are nothing more than fing nosey. If you go back through from the start of me being here, youโ€™ll see I fing call out anyone sus of being PLM, I check their message history and when I see they are in dodgy threads, Iโ€™ll publicly tell people. How very PLM of me to try stop PLM accounts coming in here.

Like Judas says, PLM are awful, the stuff they say and the things they do are awful. But you are worse. You are obsessed and you are the main one bringing it over here. You are creepy. You trolled for Angie, I hate Brigham but remember when you tried to make out he was in your discord only to mess up editing the time stamp? ๐Ÿ˜ญ maybe less drugs and youโ€™d have convinced us all.

Having seen what you look like, just leave before one of us edit you into Ratatouille

And finally, @Mildred Ratched when people claimed you were Lottie, maybe you shouldnโ€™t have ran with it and agreed that you were ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anyways, Morning everyone. Sorry I was quiet. I was busy sucking off Karma Kas under his desk
got you wink GIF by Munchies