Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 2, 2024
Zia's Basement
I don’t like anyone so I’m not arsed

homer simpson middle finger GIF
Apr 10, 2024
yes maybe i should of said that but you can see in the comments everybody deflecting it onto others. I don’t even know how to tag anybody even if i wanted to. If someone else has said what eq had there would of been hell on but it’s also well so and so said this and that
You're insinuating 'everyone' as far as I've seen EQ has been called out heaps and is still being called out - I, for one, actively call EQ out constantly. If you haven't seen me calling EQ out the posts are on my TT and on here.
I've made ai of her, I've blasted her in comments, if EQ has only one hater left in some weird fluke I'm that hater vibes.

Don't get it twisted that people in here like EQ.

Begs and fers of TT along with the preds are called out because of their deranged and vile behaviour.
No one is exempt. No one is immune.
That is my, personal, stance and the stance (from what I understand) that the majority in CC have.


Feb 28, 2024
Spying in your lives on my real account
why are yous all so defensive of eq 🤣🤣🤣deflecting constantly like she’s some sort of hero! baguette your comments in miss remis was a joke you might as well hang out the back of eqs arsehole. You can’t all come on here and say you call out wronguns but you don’t “half” of yous are selective as do! You might as well have an eq badge and wear it like a saville fin badge….im out do most of you hypocrites 😘😘😘😘😘
Woah what the do, saying we should wear a badge like a fing saville badge is fed up for real.
As far as I see non of us are defensive of EQ and if you had an issue with something a member has said then you should really message them directly or come at it from a different angle.
While we are all individuals with different opinions, views and perspectives, we are a team in here. So I don’t appreciate the energy that you have put into this comment.
Your fing out of order
Mar 18, 2024
united kingdom
why are yous all so defensive of eq 🤣🤣🤣deflecting constantly like she’s some sort of hero! baguette your comments in miss remis was a joke you might as well hang out the back of eqs arsehole. You can’t all come on here and say you call out wronguns but you don’t “half” of yous are selective as do! You might as well have an eq badge and wear it like a saville fin badge….im out do most of you hypocrites 😘😘😘😘😘
I can’t stand the creep fyi so calm down 🤣


Apr 15, 2024
St Mary Mead
I’ll have you know that pigeons have been let down by society for over a hundred years. Domesticated and then left to go wild.
They aren’t rats with wings; just a victim of humans no longer needing them 😭
Especially during WW1 pigeons were essential for getting messages back and forth, they are quite intelligent birds. I shall not have another word said against them


Mar 17, 2024
Ben10 is growing a moustache. Is this an attempt to look older? If so it's not working. Sorry
Apperently wee Benny boy threatened to top himself on live last year because of some bloke. I think it was when he was trying and failing miserably to sell phone cases.


Apr 15, 2024
St Mary Mead
Ben10 is growing a moustache. Is this an attempt to look older? If so it's not working. Sorry
He is another EQ waiting to happen. I'm blocked now so can't see what he's been up to. But the other week some of the stuff he was saying was up there with EQ. Difference being he cried looking forgiveness for some of it, and now he's back to being a vile wee creature