Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 29, 2024
Crayon 🖍️ box
I know i’m a t but can yous keep yous fingers legs and toes crossed for me today. My son who’s 16 was robbed at knife point, the scrawny scruff threatened to slit his throat. He attacked at least 8 people in 1 night. He gets sentenced today i’m praying for a decent sentence. He’s been on remand since january
Good luck hope he gets the justice he deserves and that bastard goes away for a very long time thinking of you & you’re family today 🩷🩷
Mar 2, 2024
So red and Mt discussed it and she decided not to talk about Angie

Sarcastic Big Deal GIF by CBS
May 16, 2024
I hear that this the top holiday destination this year, btw. 🤣


But wait, if you've got your business linked to your tiktok, then you're supposed to stay off dramatok! So, by Angie's logic, Michael should've stayed in his own lane and then he wouldn't have had any grief. Simples. It's your own fault, Michael. If you hadn't gifted Angie then nobody would've searched you up. Silly boy.

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
I still can't believe Sugar Bliss got her business account mixed up with this drama! So silly of her. I'm not condoning anything that has happened to her, I think it's disgusting 😕 but such a silly move on her part. I hope her business doesn't get affected.

A warning to any other businesses out there thinking they can grow their numbers through any of these platforms, don't be stupid!!!
May 16, 2024
I still can't believe Sugar Bliss got her business account mixed up with this drama! So silly of her. I'm not condoning anything that has happened to her, I think it's disgusting 😕 but such a silly move on her part. I hope her business doesn't get affected.

A warning to any other businesses out there thinking they can grow their numbers through any of these platforms, don't be stupid!!!
To be fair, and I may be completely wrong as I never watched Sugarbliss, but it seems all she did was join a box battle, get voted out by Angie, made a comment saying "now it's personal" which may be a joke/banter, and then gifted a creator she likes in another box battle. IF this is the entirety of it, then I can believe that they didn't realise they were wading in shark-infested waters. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Mar 17, 2024
well court was kind of a waste of time. Got there & the barrister came out and told us that the cps are charging the lad with another 3 attacks which now makes it 12 attacks in 1 night. Those 3 charges have to go through the magistrates then it will be transferred to the crown. CID was hoping for double digits that was with the 9 attacks he plead guilty to. There’s a lot more victims that were attacked just no evidence 😤so back to waiting again. Thank you for everybody’s kind words 💕
Hopefully that'll work out worse for the perp, but it's a pain for you. Sorry you're having to deal with all this. The wheels of justice do turn so slowly. 😢