Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 10, 2024
It's definitely her, look at the reflection in her TV on a video on tiktok it shows the same alien light and circle above it... as her picture in here 🤣🤣
season 5 Kang GIF


She looks like one of those people who wears a scratty looking wolf fleece who smells of BO and catches the bus after picking cig butts off the floor of the bus stop unashamedly.
With a pack of rislas in her back pocket so her dog ends will go that extra bit further. She definitely looks like she needs a good wash. If I sat next to that on a bus I'd be pressing the buzzer and kicking her off at the next stop.


I think I’ve just walked into something juicy on Canadian angie’s 🍿🍿🍿 has anyone been watching and can fill me in on the beef
I didn't catch all of the beginning but from what I can make out, Someone called Deno told Mikey that CA had spoken about his sexuality, but her minions are saying she didnt, and i think he's more hurt because CA declared her love for him.
I mean, telling a man on tt that you 'love him' is not only playing with their emotions but also weird behaviour. If the tables were turned and it was a man doing it, the whole app would be in an uproar.
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