Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Just watched the s with Irish Kelly and snel and am putting it out there now Kelly has a massive,massive secret that she has dropped hints about loads of times….i think one day she’s going to blurt it out and blame snel and Serena. Kelly if it’s what I think it is then IT WAS YOU THAT PUT IT IN MY HEAD…read this again YOU HAVE PUT IT IN MY HEAD!!! It’s only so long before other people work it out you fool!!!
Can you inbox me and put it in my head? I need to know 👀
Mar 10, 2024

Good Morning GIF


Apr 6, 2024
Marks & Sparks
Tbh, I don't really support anyone on tiktok I think most of them are fake af, However, Nanny D has always been a straight shooter and has no problem speaking her mind even if it means putting a target on her back, which is something i respect...Thats just my opinion.
We are all entitled to have our own opinions and dislike whoever we want, we are not going to agree on everything and it would be boring as do if we did.
I agree. Nanny D is direct. She's always been consistent. Even before she challenged her friends about Tam, from what I remember she was one of the very few ( within her group) who saw right through Brigham and would openly challenge him on things when he used to pretend to be this safe and righteous person on the app.
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