Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

The Narrative

May 19, 2024
The love for @Nolan 🎵 has me emotional right now. We got you man
sad GIF
Mar 5, 2024
The M20
I'm concerned for alot of people in her comments right now but Hayley has taken this as a great opportunity with very odd comments 🤮
1000070632.jpg 1000070633.jpg

Of ALL the things she could have said she chose that. 😭

Like no one's laughing with you, they're laughing at you.

Why do they always bring animals into it!? Absolute weirdos. 🤮
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Mar 10, 2024
I think I went a bit too low tonight, and that's not a normal thing for me. I currently have a very unwell Mum in hospital , yet Angie found it acceptable to sit and mock last night about peoples Mums dying , very well knowing what poor @Alicia has been through.

The cult went after Sugar Bliss the other week and gave ZERO fs about what they were doing , even going as far as complaining to EHO.

Sick and tired of them thinking they can do what they want and getting away with it. I'm more than happy to remove the review if she decides to make a public apology to @Miss Baguette 🥖

Sorry if I've upset anyone , or they've seen me in a different light tonight and they feel let down by me. I'm tired , emotional and fing angry.
be quiet canadian GIF by CBC

it was brilliant

I'm grand

Mar 7, 2024
What I thought was something fing epic tonight, turned into the biggest s show!
I thought it was cool to be able to say things like t without being removed etc, the fing freak's in Angie's as always take it that bit further, way over the fing line!!
We've said some mad s in here, but we're going for sainthood compared to that lot. Vile, grosse, disgusting, vomit inducing s that came outa their mouths 🤢. Tomorrow they'll all be saying it was "Bantarrrr"!! That's not banter you freak's!!!
Mar 10, 2024
Nov 10, 2023
What I thought was something fing epic tonight, turned into the biggest s show!
I thought it was cool to be able to say things like t without being removed etc, the fing freak's in Angie's as always take it that bit further, way over the fing line!!
We've said some mad s in here, but we're going for sainthood compared to that lot. Vile, grosse, disgusting, vomit inducing s that came outa their mouths 🤢. Tomorrow they'll all be saying it was "Bantarrrr"!! That's not banter you freak's!!!

I think tonight has proven that when all of us are given unrestricted freedom to type what we want, they’re the ones who go that low.

So thanks for making Comment Cafe look even better than we actually are Angie, you rabies infested worm.
Feb 28, 2024
Your mum
I think I went a bit too low tonight, and that's not a normal thing for me. I currently have a very unwell Mum in hospital , yet Angie found it acceptable to sit and mock last night about peoples Mums dying , very well knowing what poor @Alicia has been through.

The cult went after Sugar Bliss the other week and gave ZERO fs about what they were doing , even going as far as complaining to EHO.

Sick and tired of them thinking they can do what they want and getting away with it. I'm more than happy to remove the review if she decides to make a public apology to @Miss Baguette 🥖

Sorry if I've upset anyone , or they've seen me in a different light tonight and they feel let down by me. I'm tired , emotional and fing angry.
Big hugs for you and your mum 🤍


Mar 17, 2024
I think I went a bit too low tonight, and that's not a normal thing for me. I currently have a very unwell Mum in hospital , yet Angie found it acceptable to sit and mock last night about peoples Mums dying , very well knowing what poor @Alicia has been through.

The cult went after Sugar Bliss the other week and gave ZERO fs about what they were doing , even going as far as complaining to EHO.

Sick and tired of them thinking they can do what they want and getting away with it. I'm more than happy to remove the review if she decides to make a public apology to @Miss Baguette 🥖

Sorry if I've upset anyone , or they've seen me in a different light tonight and they feel let down by me. I'm tired , emotional and fing angry.

Shark Week Clubhouse GIF by The3Flamingos
Mar 15, 2024
Hello, I wanted to come in here and say I wasn't apologising to you ALL in Claire's live, so most of you who don't accept the apology, are the ones I wasn't apologising to in the 1st place.
I was apologising to the ones who were indifferent to me, or didn't know who i was. I shouldn't have bunched you together as a collective.
To those of you who have spoken about me in must be lovely to be so perfect. You can say that I came after you, but I'm sorry, that is not true. I never spoke about any of you. I never blocked you from any lives I was mod in. The only time i mention you, is when you talk about me in here! So saying that it is me that comes for you is BS. Why is there a need to comment where I am, or who's box I am in? There is none. I have a right to ask you what your problem is if you have mentioned me! I'm not going to sit and say nothing.
Yeah; when I first joined the app a lot of s happened and I was not in a good way at all. (No excuse), but getting in with the wrong people and getting myself into situations I didn't need to be in, was completely on me.
That doesn't give certain people in here the right to just say loads of s about me (some true and some absolutely not true), and then blame me for reacting to it.
You mock me for talking about my friend, but that is the reason why I personally hate anon online forums. She was the subject of 2 other online fourms and it was fing awful seeing what she went through off the back of what was said about her.
As much as you hate some things I did over a year ago, I came back on and kept myself to myself. I did crystal lives with my small group of friends. But certain people here still felt the need to bring my name up. Knowing that I sadly am the kind of person who cares what people say.
I wish I could change how I am. I am trying.
Anyway. You're just going to mock this message anyway and carry on mentioning my name despite me not being on TikTok...I will not be reading any of it. If you want to keep living in the past then that is up to you. But I am moving on.
P.s - i do like the anthem ... you are welcome 😉 x

View attachment
Just leaving this here 👍


Hello, I wanted to come in here and say I wasn't apologising to you ALL in Claire's live, so most of you who don't accept the apology, are the ones I wasn't apologising to in the 1st place.
I was apologising to the ones who were indifferent to me, or didn't know who i was. I shouldn't have bunched you together as a collective.
To those of you who have spoken about me in must be lovely to be so perfect. You can say that I came after you, but I'm sorry, that is not true. I never spoke about any of you. I never blocked you from any lives I was mod in. The only time i mention you, is when you talk about me in here! So saying that it is me that comes for you is BS. Why is there a need to comment where I am, or who's box I am in? There is none. I have a right to ask you what your problem is if you have mentioned me! I'm not going to sit and say nothing.
Yeah; when I first joined the app a lot of s happened and I was not in a good way at all. (No excuse), but getting in with the wrong people and getting myself into situations I didn't need to be in, was completely on me.
That doesn't give certain people in here the right to just say loads of s about me (some true and some absolutely not true), and then blame me for reacting to it.
You mock me for talking about my friend, but that is the reason why I personally hate anon online forums. She was the subject of 2 other online fourms and it was fing awful seeing what she went through off the back of what was said about her.
As much as you hate some things I did over a year ago, I came back on and kept myself to myself. I did crystal lives with my small group of friends. But certain people here still felt the need to bring my name up. Knowing that I sadly am the kind of person who cares what people say.
I wish I could change how I am. I am trying.
Anyway. You're just going to mock this message anyway and carry on mentioning my name despite me not being on TikTok...I will not be reading any of it. If you want to keep living in the past then that is up to you. But I am moving on.
P.s - i do like the anthem ... you are welcome 😉 x
Ffs, I'm too tired for this s.. but here goes, first of all no one on this thread slated you, until you mentioned this thread, most of the trolling was done by other members on a thread that was made about you, but yet AGAIN you're s hot to place the buck at our feet then cry when we clap back at you, I've lost count of the number of times you've tried to make out we ALL slated you, so yes, not all of us accepts your apology.

Again, you've come in here to make a snide, backhanded apology to 'some' members and its so clear you're trying to gaslight everyone on this thread so they play into your hands and say something that you find offensive, something you'll carry on and on and on for fing months, it's weird behaviour and it's like you're getting a kick out of being trolled.

No one cares, no one really gives a s, maybe if you try for one second to keep cc out of your mouth, then just maybe we can finally have some peace and quiet, because this is pathetic and you're coming across as nothing other than a drama queen who has a weird obsession with us.
Give it a break, you're coming in basically asking for hate, seriously it's boring now so respectfully, just do off.
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Mar 2, 2024
Noice. Deleted message 🙄 You say you never spoke about any of us yet I recall being dragged into a live to defend myself against accusations you made of me doxxing you. I didn’t even know who you fing were 😭

All because you don’t seem to be able to link two cognitive thoughts together. I accepted your apology. Twice. I didn’t come in here and rant or moan. It was dropped.

I can’t actually remember what my original point was but that whole novel you typed was the most passive aggressive blurb I’ve read since my mums 3rd divorce court papers.

do my actual life 😭