Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
I can’t find any of the accounts that were permabanned in Angie or her minions follower lists. Going to watch my recording and see who I reported and if their accounts still exist. I really want one of the accounts to be shine like a fart 🤣🤣🤣
I know queen blessings lost her account as she was on another one in pearls and commented about it🤣 I’ve had a few reports come back as user as well so I think a fair few lost them.
Nov 10, 2023

Hot Tea Reaction GIF by Shalita Grant
Feb 29, 2024
So the Sammie, who think's it's acceptable to write about @Miss Baguette 🥖 's `Hammered flaps` has a business page on FB , it also has reviews switched on. I think people would LOVE to find out what kind of company they're purchasing from.

Just tried to leave a review and it won't let me click on link 😭 anyway I now have a Little Marshmallow CommentCafe FB account 🤣 proud of myself for managing not to dox myself 🤣 don't worry guys @Nolan 🎵 has checked my account and alls good 🤣

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
This seems to be a repeated pattern of hers, she's told me some weird s and blamed a lot of people for things they've probably never been involved in, Miss j, Lyrical, Birdy apples, Olly, to name a few.

The reason I didn't mention anything about these people is because I caught her being all friendly with Birdy apples after she had said the worst about her, which showed me she wasnt to be trusted.

If i was to post on here the things she's said about these people, i know the s would hit the fan but i know thats probably what she was aiming for, because drama = viewers and viewers = gifts.

Personally i think the woman can be dangerous, shes definitely bitter and resents anyone else does well on the app - she must be boiling inside knowing Miss j had canned a ton of money off viewers.

I hope your friend is ok after being on the receiving end of her hatred and lies. You take care of yourself Crayons there's always a warm brew on the go and a seat at our table for you. 🤎🤎
It’s me I was the friend like you believed everything felt bad for her etc etc taken in by her, then she said some dangerous se about me to Lyrical which she said in reds box, that is the reason I doxed myself, not to say I was upset and mad so I ignored her from then and came of here, as she told me she msg people in her etc and thought who would believe me I am a nobody, but also I have been turning my life around from the op etc and working on my health
We are victims of her lies, but one thing is the truth is out not all of it but people are aware and hopefully she won’t be able to do this again to anyone
We have all been told the same script
Hope you are ok 💞