Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
I understand that it is confusing
No you haven’t but I am making it very clear I have no hidden agenda
I have been accused of stalking with a knife which isn’t true
The money has been paid back
There is other things but for my own health I am not going into it
The facts is Ellie has been found out for what she has done and doesn’t like it and people are getting accused of things l, she wants a platform begs gifts etc so that’s why I put that
She could have a good platform doing things to help but no instead goes down the trouble causing path
Like I have said I have closed the door
I don’t want any part of it
I just want a laugh etc
Well me and others had no idea of this hence why I asked. Hence why there's confusion. I didn't accuse or insinuate anything 🙂
Apr 10, 2024
Wait what's happened with pink buddha?

•Ellie with the pink hair/Pink haired Ellie
•Red's Bad Brows
•Pink Buddha
•Fake Leopard (can't remember the account name - came in here with a leopard name and pfp, it was odd)
•no more guff

•Used to be Miss Red's mod and during that time caused havoc (I'm unsure of exactly what transpired but someone named Rhys (sp?) was mentioned as well.) During this time she was Ellie with the Pink Hair/Pink Haired Ellie.

•Was a member of cc as Red's Bad Brows after what happened with Miss Beg, she then started some damaging lies/rumours about Chicken Wings that led to CW feeling alienated.

RBB was still present up until around April (I believe) despite yesterday verbally denying having ever had a cc account and then lying about when she was last on cc.

RBB (Ellie) then returned as the Fake Leopard account which was weird af.

•Ellie (as Pink Buddha) messaged Medusa asking her to post things in cc and claiming to have ss to back up those posts (Ellie didn't have ss and never provided them) yet went on to change what she had initially told Medusa.

Ellie also lied about Charlie's Oxygen to the extent that CW felt she had no choice other than to doxx herself.

•Went after Luper and was responsible for cc getting the blame for that ordeal (I think?)


•Said to Serena and others that Who's_Lying (Lou) had called Snell an alcoholic and allowed a narrative to be painted of Lou and Lou's cousin Felicity as plm members/assosiated with plm members whilst providing no actual proof or evidence of these claims.

Personal thoughts

I didn't know anything about 'Ellie' until recently nor did I know she was these other accounts, I've listened (to the lives where she has been slating Lou/Felicity) and read what's been posted about her from credible sources - plus I remember some of her accounts being in here (Red's Bad Brows and the Fake Leopard one) and I remember Medusa being contacted to make a post in here as well.

Based on observations it's easy to see that Ellie lies because I was present in a live where she was caught in a lie (the one about having a cc account and how long ago), she also seems to like targeting others who have affluence in spaces she wishes to influence - she wants to be in control and admired above all others yet instead of being a genuine person to achieve this she uses underhanded tactics to try and undermine the ones she is most jealous of and attempts to set them up with rumours/lies and even false information.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Side note to Judas.

Ellie is pink bhudda/ reds bad brows/ pink haired Ellie/ drippy t/ some basic b trying to be a fabulous leopard.

Also I’m Zias false teeth. I’m the teeth one 😘😂🤎
I know who she is, but people in here keep asking what's going on. I asked yesterday and didnt get a response either. Some of us knew and some of us didn't. So Iv asked again for clarification and i probably shouldn't have because a simple questions been taken the wrong way 🙃

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
group hug friends GIF

I Love You GIF by Sesame Street
Jun 8, 2024
I understand that it is confusing
No you haven’t but I am making it very clear I have no hidden agenda
I have been accused of stalking with a knife which isn’t true
The money has been paid back
There is other things but for my own health I am not going into it
The facts is Ellie has been found out for what she has done and doesn’t like it and people are getting accused of things l, she wants a platform begs gifts etc so that’s why I put that
She could have a good platform doing things to help but no instead goes down the trouble causing path
Like I have said I have closed the door
I don’t want any part of it
I just want a laugh etc
Hope you are ok. Onwards & upwards


Mar 17, 2024

•Ellie with the pink hair/Pink haired Ellie
•Red's Bad Brows
•Pink Buddha
•Fake Leopard (can't remember the account name - came in here with a leopard name and pfp, it was odd)
•no more guff

•Used to be Miss Red's mod and during that time caused havoc (I'm unsure of exactly what transpired but someone named Rhys (sp?) was mentioned as well.) During this time she was Ellie with the Pink Hair/Pink Haired Ellie.

•Was a member of cc as Red's Bad Brows after what happened with Miss Beg, she then started some damaging lies/rumours about Chicken Wings that led to CW feeling alienated.

RBB was still present up until around April (I believe) despite yesterday verbally denying having ever had a cc account and then lying about when she was last on cc.

RBB (Ellie) then returned as the Fake Leopard account which was weird af.

•Ellie (as Pink Buddha) messaged Medusa asking her to post things in cc and claiming to have ss to back up those posts (Ellie didn't have ss and never provided them) yet went on to change what she had initially told Medusa.

Ellie also lied about Charlie's Oxygen to the extent that CW felt she had no choice other than to doxx herself.

•Went after Luper and was responsible for cc getting the blame for that ordeal (I think?)


•Said to Serena and others that Who's_Lying (Lou) had called Snell an alcoholic and allowed a narrative to be painted of Lou and Lou's cousin Felicity as plm members/assosiated with plm members whilst providing no actual proof or evidence of these claims.

Personal thoughts

I didn't know anything about 'Ellie' until recently nor did I know she was these other accounts, I've listened (to the lives where she has been slating Lou/Felicity) and read what's been posted about her from credible sources - plus I remember some of her accounts being in here (Red's Bad Brows and the Fake Leopard one) and I remember Medusa being contacted to make a post in here as well.

Based on observations it's easy to see that Ellie lies because I was present in a live where she was caught in a lie (the one about having a cc account and how long ago), she also seems to like targeting others who have affluence in spaces she wishes to influence - she wants to be in control and admired above all others yet instead of being a genuine person to achieve this she uses underhanded tactics to try and undermine the ones she is most jealous of and attempts to set them up with rumours/lies and even false information.

Top notch note taking 🌳 xx
Mar 10, 2024

•Ellie with the pink hair/Pink haired Ellie
•Red's Bad Brows
•Pink Buddha
•Fake Leopard (can't remember the account name - came in here with a leopard name and pfp, it was odd)
•no more guff

•Used to be Miss Red's mod and during that time caused havoc (I'm unsure of exactly what transpired but someone named Rhys (sp?) was mentioned as well.) During this time she was Ellie with the Pink Hair/Pink Haired Ellie.

•Was a member of cc as Red's Bad Brows after what happened with Miss Beg, she then started some damaging lies/rumours about Chicken Wings that led to CW feeling alienated.

RBB was still present up until around April (I believe) despite yesterday verbally denying having ever had a cc account and then lying about when she was last on cc.

RBB (Ellie) then returned as the Fake Leopard account which was weird af.

•Ellie (as Pink Buddha) messaged Medusa asking her to post things in cc and claiming to have ss to back up those posts (Ellie didn't have ss and never provided them) yet went on to change what she had initially told Medusa.

Ellie also lied about Charlie's Oxygen to the extent that CW felt she had no choice other than to doxx herself.

•Went after Luper and was responsible for cc getting the blame for that ordeal (I think?)


•Said to Serena and others that Who's_Lying (Lou) had called Snell an alcoholic and allowed a narrative to be painted of Lou and Lou's cousin Felicity as plm members/assosiated with plm members whilst providing no actual proof or evidence of these claims.

Personal thoughts

I didn't know anything about 'Ellie' until recently nor did I know she was these other accounts, I've listened (to the lives where she has been slating Lou/Felicity) and read what's been posted about her from credible sources - plus I remember some of her accounts being in here (Red's Bad Brows and the Fake Leopard one) and I remember Medusa being contacted to make a post in here as well.

Based on observations it's easy to see that Ellie lies because I was present in a live where she was caught in a lie (the one about having a cc account and how long ago), she also seems to like targeting others who have affluence in spaces she wishes to influence - she wants to be in control and admired above all others yet instead of being a genuine person to achieve this she uses underhanded tactics to try and undermine the ones she is most jealous of and attempts to set them up with rumours/lies and even false information.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF


Feb 28, 2024

•Ellie with the pink hair/Pink haired Ellie
•Red's Bad Brows
•Pink Buddha
•Fake Leopard (can't remember the account name - came in here with a leopard name and pfp, it was odd)
•no more guff

•Used to be Miss Red's mod and during that time caused havoc (I'm unsure of exactly what transpired but someone named Rhys (sp?) was mentioned as well.) During this time she was Ellie with the Pink Hair/Pink Haired Ellie.

•Was a member of cc as Red's Bad Brows after what happened with Miss Beg, she then started some damaging lies/rumours about Chicken Wings that led to CW feeling alienated.

RBB was still present up until around April (I believe) despite yesterday verbally denying having ever had a cc account and then lying about when she was last on cc.

RBB (Ellie) then returned as the Fake Leopard account which was weird af.

•Ellie (as Pink Buddha) messaged Medusa asking her to post things in cc and claiming to have ss to back up those posts (Ellie didn't have ss and never provided them) yet went on to change what she had initially told Medusa.

Ellie also lied about Charlie's Oxygen to the extent that CW felt she had no choice other than to doxx herself.

•Went after Luper and was responsible for cc getting the blame for that ordeal (I think?)


•Said to Serena and others that Who's_Lying (Lou) had called Snell an alcoholic and allowed a narrative to be painted of Lou and Lou's cousin Felicity as plm members/assosiated with plm members whilst providing no actual proof or evidence of these claims.

Personal thoughts

I didn't know anything about 'Ellie' until recently nor did I know she was these other accounts, I've listened (to the lives where she has been slating Lou/Felicity) and read what's been posted about her from credible sources - plus I remember some of her accounts being in here (Red's Bad Brows and the Fake Leopard one) and I remember Medusa being contacted to make a post in here as well.

Based on observations it's easy to see that Ellie lies because I was present in a live where she was caught in a lie (the one about having a cc account and how long ago), she also seems to like targeting others who have affluence in spaces she wishes to influence - she wants to be in control and admired above all others yet instead of being a genuine person to achieve this she uses underhanded tactics to try and undermine the ones she is most jealous of and attempts to set them up with rumours/lies and even false information.
Well Done Reaction GIF by Joseph Royal