Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nolan 🎵

Mar 2, 2024
Im Back Episode 4 GIF by Friends

Come pick me up from Skeggy please? do knows who suitcase I ended up in 😭 😭

Hope you had a lovely time x


Jun 26, 2024
He's so salty. 💀

I hate when creators think they can dictate what's worthy content and what's not - it's not their decision it's the audiences.

If people wanna watch FYP news they will, you can't dictate people's enjoyment. 🤷

I think since the weeklies changed to dailys alot of the begs have fallen off - there's no prestige in winning a daily competition so gifters aren't pushing - I reckon that's the real reason he's really pissed off. He can't attract new viewers or gifters cus everyone's watching drama.

He's fallen off tried to make it on twitch cause his patter is s they didn't want him either!!!

Now he trying to make a come back 🔙
Nov 10, 2023
Pearl just said Alfie has got one account perm banned. Result.

I think this is a lie to excuse why he’s not on it.

Banned accounts show up in following lists, and I know Angie was following Alfie on her 16 account and she was following 10 people.

She’s now following 9 and Alfie isn’t on there, and if he was banned he would be on there as a banned account like in the photo.

Yet another lie they’re peddling to try and protect a predator.

Nov 10, 2023
Someone be an absolute darling and tell me the main goss. I am 100% not reading 10 days worth of stuff 😂
Christ there’s loads.

Little pink Buddha who used to be reds bad brows in here. And whose name is Ellie (pink hair used to mod for red and did the aftershow). She turned out to be a conniving, lying, manipulating t. And really put crayons and chicken wings from here through hell.

Flawed came back in a couple nights ago with paragraphs that I didn’t read.

Alfie has been lying about his age and birthday to try and wriggle out of messaging a 15 year old when he was 18.

Pearl and Angie are still being their normal nonce apologist , vile evil selves.
And seem to have baguette as a target now.

Stuff was brought to the app about pearls family and it it turned out one of pearls cousins who was 16 and unalived himself was just about to be sentenced for graping a 17 year old. He pled guilty. Pearl tried to pass it off as some sort of love affair but facts and evidence suggest otherwise. And fact freak corrected a few things so Pearl and Angie having been spouting off about fact freak. Alfie also chimed in and called facts a few things.


Jun 26, 2024
I always think that most people will see Angie and her room for what it is eventually. Especially when you see a small amount of morals underneath it all. A lot of people have sat in there, in boxes, me included, and sometimes it just takes for you to see it yourself that it’s a bullshit echo chamber full of the worst of society. I don’t think anyone should be dragged when they’ve not actually said or joined in with appalling behaviours
Monday Night Raw Reaction GIF by WWE