Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
I’m trying to catch up and keep thinking of things.

Angie doesn’t realise the disrespect she is showing by always bringing The Inquisitor into any situation where things aren’t going her way.

I know the full story of him.

I also know that Angie has called many, many, many people pedophiles, pedalos, beasts etc etc.

She can’t use someone else’s tragic story to try and bolster her argument when she is being called out. Especially when she has called many people, including her so called new bestie Racist Handbag, a pedophile.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Originally I was concerned for booguette and I even wrote on the live to come off, but I sat back and thought about it and booguettes general behaviour to date and realised it was probably going to be a joke, like a bum or something silly. When FF popped up my initial reaction was "omg wait what" then realised I was being super dumb thinking FF was actually the booguette 😂
My main concern was if booguette and FF were lovers and that I should probably stop chatting about sitting on his face in case boogie comes for me in the dark of night.
I've renamed you boogie by the way miss boogie 🤗 @Miss Baguette 🥖

the facts

Mar 17, 2024
You guys are so dysfunctional at times. Didn't baguette have a panic attack on live a few weeks ago and everyone was worried? That concern was welcomed.

Last night people believed she was in trouble because Angie blamed her for cutting her arms and was going to dox herself as a result but that worry is unreasonable and just a silly funny lil joke.

Making your community think your in danger is very Angie behaviour, not taking accountability for it when things don't go your way is also very Angie behaviour.
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Baguette is saying at the people who did, without a shadow of a doubt, know what was going to happen and were in the live last night laughing/joking yet then turned on her with fake outrage afterwards.
Not everyone, the people she is referring to specifically.

Baguette isn't like Delu.
Delu is a racist, ableist, transphobic, DV enabling, pred enabling, ped enabling, homophobic, alcoholic that SH/S baits online in the midst of a drunken tantrum after being called out for adamantly defendending the likes of Alfie.
Baguette isn't anything like Delu.
Your opinion, I see things differently to yourself. I expect plenty of people to be angry at my opinions but this is where we state our opinions on people on TikTok. Angie may be a lot of things, yes and I hate her, but I’m seeing similar twisting of words.

It kind of goes against the whole point of the forum being up peoples asses. It’s gone to s before. I am not keeping quiet just because people are close to baguette that is doing the most on TikTok 😂

Right I really am going now. Be annoyed at my opinions if you like, but they ain’t changing and I’m known for expressing them whether people will like it or not. You’re all free to call me out on anything I’ve said or done, I’m happy to admit I’m a t.

Im Out Sheldon Cooper GIF by CBS
May 16, 2024
You guys are so dysfunctional at times. Didn't baguette have a panic attack on live a few weeks ago and everyone was worried? That concern was welcomed.

Last night people believed she was in trouble because Angie blamed her for cutting her arms and was going to dox herself as a result but that worry is unreasonable and just a silly funny lil joke.

Making your community think your in danger is very Angie behaviour, not taking accountability for it when things don't go your way is also very Angie behaviour.
I only remember Miss Baguette pretending to have a panic attack in homage to LOTE.

Miss Baguette has also posted the timeline of last night & how Angie SH happened after her account was live, so her and Fact Freak's plan had to play out.



Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
So I’ve just seen the “baguette reveal” and Fact Freak pops up at the moment of the reveal. Sorry but whoever was worried for her,she’s played you. She knew exactly what she was going to do as far as the “reveal” was concerned so she’s to blame for the worry she’s caused you all.
I don't think she intentionally set out to upset any of us, whereas Angie's intentionally sets out to hurt and upset people on the daily.


Mar 17, 2024

I’ve been made aware that the people who knew my plans, and have since turned on me, were commenting in that very live laugh reacting to comments. I guess it was funny until you thought about the consequences for you, despite being completely uninvolved nor mentioned. 👀 despite the comments made towards me that didn’t matter. Mad eh.

But people knew what was going on. Let me be very clear about that.
Who's turning on you? Some people were affected by what you did, the majority of us don't give a do. I doubt very much any of us are going to loose any sleep over any "consequences". I certainly won't be. Everybody needs to chill the do out. On a side note, there are tiktokers using Comment Cafe as a cover for what they're doing and saying knowing full well CC will get the blame for it. If they don't have the balls to "stand on business" (hate that term) on their own merit, then they should take a seat and shut the do up.


Jun 17, 2024
So I’ve just seen the “baguette reveal” and Fact Freak pops up at the moment of the reveal. Sorry but whoever was worried for her,she’s played you. She knew exactly what she was going to do as far as the “reveal” was concerned so she’s to blame for the worry she’s caused you all.
Maybe you should have watched it live then. It was utter silence and baguette in the comments for 20 odd minutes talking about how she was struggling and can't do this anymore. Flooded with comments of people trying to get her to come off and help because they thought she was actually distressed that Angie had cut herself and blamed her. Sorry for worrying about someone's mental well being.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I haven’t seen anyone turn on you, except me. And I didn’t comment at all in the live. Clearly some didn’t know what was going on, or they wouldn’t have been expressing concern. You’re making it sound like everyone knew. I only guessed it was trolling. You’re so much like Angie at times.

Anywho, have a fantastic day on live, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of views. Just don’t be shocked with what Angie says in retaliation, you know what she’s like and it’s a back and forth at this point.
I take it that’s baguette? I have her on ignore,have for over a week now. She’s an attention seeking w 😂 . now has a platform so to speak and like many others,it’s consuming her
Mar 2, 2024
I’m trying to catch up and keep thinking of things.

Angie doesn’t realise the disrespect she is showing by always bringing The Inquisitor into any situation where things aren’t going her way.

I know the full story of him.

I also know that Angie has called many, many, many people pedophiles, pedalos, beasts etc etc.

She can’t use someone else’s tragic story to try and bolster her argument when she is being called out. Especially when she has called many people, including her so called new bestie Racist Handbag, a pedophile.

Just stop, babe. It’s pointless at this point. Nothing you do or say will change people’s perceptions. How are you supposed to prove you didn’t know what was happening with skeletor? Although others apparently know you knew, do knows how.


Feb 29, 2024
Formally NettieNewt
Maybe you should have watched it live then. It was utter silence and baguette in the comments for 20 odd minutes talking about how she was struggling and can't do this anymore. Flooded with comments of people trying to get her to come off and help because they thought she was actually distressed that Angie had cut herself and blamed her. Sorry for worrying about someone's mental well being.
They agree with you


Jun 17, 2024
I don't think she intentionally set out to upset any of us, whereas Angie's intentionally sets out to hurt and upset people on the daily.
I don't think it was on purpose either i think it was dragged out and in poor taste. Instead of understanding people's worry she's came in here on the defensive with her friends and everyone who was worried is being told they were wrong for worrying.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Baguette is saying at the people who did, without a shadow of a doubt, know what was going to happen and were in the live last night laughing/joking yet then turned on her with fake outrage afterwards.
Not everyone, the people she is referring to specifically.

Baguette isn't like Delu.
Delu is a racist, ableist, transphobic, DV enabling, pred enabling, ped enabling, homophobic, alcoholic that SH/S baits online in the midst of a drunken tantrum after being called out for adamantly defendending the likes of Alfie.
Baguette isn't anything like Delu.
So why was Nolan etc worried for baguette if everyone knew what was going to happen? I saw plenty of comments in here this morning and after looking back last night,say how concerned they were for her. So it’s kind of backfired on her