Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
Idgaf about Angie or how she feels. But I’m just stating that you’re no better than her and you’re putting yourself out there for judgement and if you weren’t in here people would have a lot to say. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no better than Angie in here, but I’m not going around trying to act like I’m better and being outraged at what she says in retaliation.

I don’t believe for one second no one knew what Angie did. Especially is if enough people in your little clique off CC knew. I comment on what I see on TikTok and you’re out there now, I’ll comment on what I see. People in here may not want to, but it’s an open thread about Angie and what goes on around her. Hayley’s a t, she’s a nasty piece of work that didn’t give a do about victims, everyone’s giving Angie back what she’s giving. I don’t have to like what you’re all doing just cause you post here.

I never said anyone had to like what I’m doing. I’ve already stated that when the live started, I wasn’t aware of her SH baiting. Angie doesn’t like the live last night either and she doesn’t have to like it. I’m not here for everyone to like everything I do. I’m here to also comment on what I see, and react accordingly as I see fit. If people don’t like this, that’s up to them, but revealing someone else’s face on my live is nothing on the s she’s done.

the facts

Mar 17, 2024
I don't think it was on purpose either i think it was dragged out and in poor taste. Instead of understanding people's worry she's came in here on the defensive with her friends and everyone who was worried is being told they were wrong for worrying.
But they weren't wrong the last time baguette left her live in silence because she was triggered and people were worried about her. Only this time were they wrong for worrying. Because they should have known 😳

the facts

Mar 17, 2024
I only remember Miss Baguette pretending to have a panic attack in homage to LOTE.

Miss Baguette has also posted the timeline of last night & how Angie SH happened after her account was live, so her and Fact Freak's plan had to play out.

A couple of months ago a guy got in her box and was talking about a situation that made her uncomfortable that baguette ran out the room and left her phone because she was triggered and had a panic attack because she didn't know how to handle it. It was ok when people when worried then.
Nov 10, 2023
I haven’t seen anyone turn on you, except me. And I didn’t comment at all in the live. Clearly some didn’t know what was going on, or they wouldn’t have been expressing concern. You’re making it sound like everyone knew. I only guessed it was trolling. You’re so much like Angie at times.

Anywho, have a fantastic day on live, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of views. Just don’t be shocked with what Angie says in retaliation, you know what she’s like and it’s a back and forth at this point.
Reading is fundamental.

I already stated that this person was not anyone from here 👀👍
Mar 2, 2024
So I’ve just seen the “baguette reveal” and Fact Freak pops up at the moment of the reveal. Sorry but whoever was worried for her,she’s played you. She knew exactly what she was going to do as far as the “reveal” was concerned so she’s to blame for the worry she’s caused you all.

You know what, you’re a thoughtless nasty t at times. I see you cause so much fing s in chats being purposely hateful and rude. You’re not a troll, you’re just mean spirited and cruel
Apr 7, 2024
Who's turning on you? Some people were affected by what you did, the majority of us don't give a do. I doubt very much any of us are going to loose any sleep over any "consequences". I certainly won't be. Everybody needs to chill the do out. On a side note, there are tiktokers using Comment Cafe as a cover for what they're doing and saying knowing full well CC will get the blame for it. If they don't have the balls to "stand on business" (hate that term) on their own merit, then they should take a seat and shut the do up.

All That What GIF by chelsiekenyon


Mar 5, 2024
I’m trying to catch up and keep thinking of things.

Angie doesn’t realise the disrespect she is showing by always bringing The Inquisitor into any situation where things aren’t going her way.

I know the full story of him.

I also know that Angie has called many, many, many people pedophiles, pedalos, beasts etc etc.

She can’t use someone else’s tragic story to try and bolster her argument when she is being called out. Especially when she has called many people, including her so called new bestie Racist Handbag, a pedophile.
Honestly you done do all wrong ,
We would be here all fn year listing the things that hagg done wrong ! She sat for 6 hours waving her arm around with SH on it. So I wouldnt justify your self at all. That triggered soooo many including myself . Angie didn’t give 2 ss at all but yet you’re trying to explain yourself , you have no need to at all 💜 you were slagged off non stopped last night by her goaded non stop .
Justice for the broccoli and bun the cult 🥦

the facts

Mar 17, 2024
Sorry I’m just catching up in here now, I find they help so much with the fluttery heart sort of anxiety feelings that I get. They don’t take away the actual anxiety feelings but they definitely help with the physical effects of it for me. I think of them as like, a calm filter. Like I’m still stressy but physically feel less stressy 🤣

And thank you so much that means everything because part of the panic was worrying about how I handled the live because I did feel I lost control a bit but honestly the mods are the true kings and queens. ❤️❤️❤️
@Dilligaf this goes back to the day im talking about where the live got out of hand and everyone was worried but that worry was welcomed
May 16, 2024
A couple of months ago a guy got in her box and was talking about a situation that made her uncomfortable that baguette ran out the room and left her phone because she was triggered and had a panic attack because she didn't know how to handle it. It was ok when people when worried then.
Yeah, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't see that live. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Have a gif. 😁

John Travolta Party GIF
Apr 10, 2024
So why was Nolan etc worried for baguette if everyone knew what was going to happen? I saw plenty of comments in here this morning and after looking back last night,say how concerned they were for her. So it’s kind of backfired on her
Baguette didn't say 'everyone' knew what was going to happen. She was addressing specific people that will see her post addressing them and not getting at anyone else.
Nov 10, 2023
You guys are so dysfunctional at times. Didn't baguette have a panic attack on live a few weeks ago and everyone was worried? That concern was welcomed.

Last night people believed she was in trouble because Angie blamed her for cutting her arms and was going to dox herself as a result but that worry is unreasonable and just a silly funny lil joke.

Making your community think your in danger is very Angie behaviour, not taking accountability for it when things don't go your way is also very Angie behaviour.
What, when?

When did this happen please? Are you talking about DROP ME DROP ME in Doran’s live?

And if my previous essay didn’t already show it, FF was live way before the SH baiting.
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
And there we have it. We comment on people’s behaviour on TikTok and because some of us are commenting on Baguttes,it’s not allowed. Well it is allowed as far as I’m concerned,it’s a a little clique in here. Most people say stuff to stay on side with most of you. Well I got fed up with that and will speak my mind. If you’re calling me out for saying what I think,call the rest out too. Or don’t you want to rock the boat .
Mar 2, 2024
😂😂😂 I’m calling baguette an attention seeking w that’s who. I think I’m a grown ass woman with my own opinions. I won’t get to do either 😂😂😂😂😂

You’re a grown arse woman who attacks innocent people because you have whiskey on your cornflakes for breakfast.
You need to lay off the pop love. You’ll be like angie in the blink of an eye.

Remember in who’s lyings live when you were sayin you were gonna dox that woman?! I do. You started all that. You start on people in lives then beg to be unblocked.
Complete embarrassing t. Oh yeah and let’s not forget you had plenty to say on Alicia and her parenting. Yet again, none of your fing business but I assume you’d been on the booze that night.
Bitter pisshead nasty fing b.