Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

I'm due on if I'm too angry or over step the mark someone please do tell me because I'm ready too swiftly kick heads off
Jim Kelly Kick GIF by Warner Archive
Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
It’s also something very personal & the shame is overwhelming, certainly not something to be waving in front of a screen to upset other people (in my opinion/experience) 🩷 You are a beautiful soul Mrs D 🩷
I’m so sorry you can relate my luv, you’re sadly not alone - many of us here can 🫂 shame is absolutely a very overwhelming emotion, so the flaunting of it feels so disingenuous ☹️🩵
Feb 29, 2024
EQ will not go in there,no way
EQ couldn’t even do a come dine with me night where she wasn’t streaming because she wasn’t getting paid for it. She’s not gonna go in when Randy roofer is the only one that has the potential to make any money (if there’s enough viewers - but I predict a loss🤣)