Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
I dunno what's happened as I've been out today tried to dip in and out , I'm not here to be a white saviour at all , I'm sorry if that is what it is being portrayed as , I've always highlighted I will never know or have been through the struggles that a black creator or person has been through and I've never experienced racism, I am not speaking for the black community , I am calling out what I see as morally wrong and outrageous which is racism in any space or form, I also speak on DV I also speak on homophobia on misogyny women's rights etc

I like zie I think she is lovely and agree she has zero tolerance I 💯 get what she means and understand where she is coming from , I wasn't in the live the whole tim so dunno what full contacts where but that is where I stand and I won't stop fighting or talken on what I see is wrong on this app , I can't it's not in me but I will take feedback onboard
It was about me not understanding what she said and I repeatedly asked her what she meant and I upset her. Nothing to do with you
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Jun 26, 2024
It’s like a live speaking on race issues and it being all white people talking on it- like delulu’s. As a white person I can empathise, listen and understand things such as white privilege, but I’ll never fully get what a person of colour goes through. I can’t speak for the black community as a white woman but I can pull people up on things I deem to be micro aggressive or flat out racist/discriminatory. But I never want anyone to say to me oh my god you’re amazing for standing up for us as a white person. If that makes sense.
Yes this ,

It's a cold day in hell guys Alicia speaking sense and me agreeing 😂😂

Thank you for addressing stuff love and putting it across well x


Feb 28, 2024
Miss Pineapple just said she's lying in bed naked and her sons mates just seen.... wtf? Why wouldn't you close and lock the fing door?
team america vomit GIF


Feb 28, 2024
Do these people not realise that elementation of these stupid riots and protests is just ammunition for these crimes to continue to occur? That people find it's attention for them to make news and they feed off the impact of s like this? The other aspect is people just have an excuse to be bellends.... protests are useless in my mind, theres other ways to make a statement instead of impacting people's day to day lives of transport and residency's
May 16, 2024
Every t thinks I'm that no contact coach cause my accent grinds my gears
Wait, more than one person can have an accent? I thought there was only one person with any given accent allowed in the location at a time, and there's a rota system worked out. Anyone who disobeyed and spoke with the accent not on their allocated day is kicked out of the community, but they hide their shame by saying they've "relocated" or "moved to be closer to work".