Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


Jul 22, 2024
Don't apologise for having a rant, everything you've said is completely valid and I think if the like of Pearl, Angie and Corie were to see how much their racist slurs deeply hurt people then might think before they spew those vile words out of their mouths, although I think there's more chance of hell freezing over - You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Enjoy your evening 🤎
Thank you! 🫶
Oh I agree with you totally. They simply don't care. Angie will use the fact she's drunk and/or have an emotional breakdown to deflect her words. Pearl plays the "old woman that doesn't understand things and gets her words mixed up" card. And as for Corie, I don't know a lot about him but I know he's a gay man so I'm sure if someone made a homophobic slur to him - no matter how "small" it was, that he would go crazy! Same as if someone made a slur to Pearl about her community!

Apologies again for the small book there 😅 I am very thankful for CC giving me a safe space to let my feelings out!!


Jul 22, 2024
Wishful thinking
If this big brother whatever it is goes ahead with these racists going into it, they wanna hope it somehow does not get leaked - we know how people on tiktok love to leak information - as there will be many people desperately wanting a chance to have a word with these people! Or I hope that someone who goes in it has it out with all the wrong ones and we can all watch it kick off. Gotta be some justice. These people can't keep getting away with blatant racism anymore.


Jul 22, 2024
Funny how these non racist words/sayings such as ape, monkey, orangutan etc are only said to people of colour and never white people. Weird that.
Exactly this!! You never hear them calling white people these words. They use standard insults- not animals. Corie could of literally just called him a c*nt or a di*khead. But nope he called him an ape! His excuse? Is because AR was goading him. Again, if he was goading him he could of literally said ANYTHING. No excuses.

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
I don't understand why people are expecting an apology from Corie for being racist. If he apologises is it then OK? Does an apology fit within this scenario, honest I'm confused 😕 Apologies don't fix everything.

I've been watching and it came to mind Cories rescue of Emz the other day. No rescue was made previously, was this rescue due to the man's skin colour! Just a thought.

racist comedy central GIF

CLAs Fish Pie

Apr 7, 2024
Somewhere only I Know
Watching CanAng and lisa_124689 is in the box talking about fish wives Barry was in the box today being filthy about little girls. Dunno who these people are but wondered if anyone saw this pervert. This kind of s should be exposed. But because of Corie the mob aren't interested enough to get involved.
Feb 29, 2024
Waffle waffle
I don't understand why people are expecting an apology from Corie for being racist. If he apologises is it then OK? Does an apology fit within this scenario, honest I'm confused 😕 Apologies don't fix everything.

I've been watching and it came to mind Cories rescue of Emz the other day. No rescue was made previously, was this rescue due to the man's skin colour! Just a thought.

racist comedy central GIF
I said similar to this the night it happened, where was all the heroes on the previous occasions or when she was sh'ing.


Mar 5, 2024
I go to bed early and missed it all ...
Will miss red talk bout corrie and AR
And the 2 witches laughing today or will it get swept under carpet.
I see gemzino and dg are next for the house...
Where are all the small creators???
I've seen comments linz and lexi made about scotty (leave the lad alone )
And wot happening in clairebears live with Barry...
I'm never sleeping again lol
Good morning your lovely lot 😘 💕


Mar 6, 2024
In my cauldron
Morning you glorious bunch.

I watched the Corie recording, and 🤬🤬🤬 who do these people think they are? What a bunch of fs, and Ang & Emz laughing at him 🤬 he was very aware of what he said, and seemed proud of himself the absolute t. I hope he gets reported to the police. It’s nowhere near the same as being called a fat t, we’d all be in prison if it was. I hate that bunch of fs 🤬


May 22, 2024
I see a totally different side to Sheila here, I swear she was saying she just got home and she's starving and Angie needs to feed her. If she can stay out till this time at her big age she can make food. Her and Angie are the same kind of idiot 😂😂

I’ve thought this for a bit. At this point Sheila is a paid side character. Manages to take herself off to Singapore for almost a month but can’t sort a bit of scran out 🤔 nope not buying whatever it is they are trying to sell