Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Jun 13, 2024
That London
So devon & his mum can't talk on racism because angel goddess went on holiday with cla, whose been racist. But these people who have also been racist can talk on racism.

Confused Puzzle GIF
Mar 10, 2024
Guys, I'm freaking out, ok i have this irrational fear and superstition with magpies, this is going to sound like I've lost the fooking plot but, I salute every single magpie I see because I was raised by parents who drummed it into us that you had to or bad luck comes your way.
Well I'm sitting here in a world of my own and I heard tapping on my living room window and there's a bloddy magpie pecking to get in, so I've just stood for 5 minutes saluting the thing and doing the rant in my head 😭

I've always been told if one pecks your window it means something bad is going to happen, I hate s like that it freaks me out.. btw, if I dissappear I'm coming back as a magpie and I'm gonna be pecking all of your windows so you know it's me.
Rain Attack GIF by Etax
a rogue bird flying inside the house is associated with a death on the horizon. but you kept um out so you may have had a menty b, but you saved a life 💕
May 16, 2024
A few reasons why I looked like this 🤔while walking round the supermarket today:
1) Angie - "I'm not a racist"
2) Angie to Goddess about CLA - "You were friends with a racist 3 wks ago and went on holiday with her"
3) Angie - "I like CLA"
I mutter to myself when listening to these dickheads when out. Just walking along then say "shut the do up, you lying b." completely unprovoked as far as any bystanders are concerned. 🤣


Dec 21, 2023
Oh maybe I’m misremembering and it was someone else who also witnessed it. It was when Shan came down to visit and she chucked her suitcase out the front door 😭
I felt so sorry for that Shan that night, she travelled all the way to stay with Angie only for Angie to start an argument in the toilets with some randomer and then turn on Shan because she didn't feel like she defended her 😮 and chucked her suitcase out the door and left her to find another place to sleep. Then Shan came running back so I thought what a fing idiot.