Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Mar 10, 2024
do a duck, I've just noticed this and now I'm in full blown panic mode, my windows were open and I came back in from the conservatory and sat down so I can't say 100% it hadn't been in my house or even popped its head inside, I'm looking around my room for feathers 😭

I'm not bothered if it's me, just not my loved ones. I've had a grand life full of twist and turns so I'm good with it, I'm gonna disinfect my living room and light some candles. - I don't even know why but in my head it might help. I'm going scatty 😫
Cat Running Around GIF
it's not likey to have popped in and then tapped to let you know😭 you're fine, off all the windows it was the closed one(y)
also don't listen to my s, i curse people and put animal parts in jars. i'm not well
illyana9  GIF

Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
Just yesterday before Pearl left her live she said that she and Chester were going to start doing outrageous things and not apologizing for it. She said since others get away with it and say it's an act that will be her new excuse and she will never apologize for offending people again. What I find funny is if anyone said anything about her community she would burn the app down and want apologies from everyone.


May 12, 2024
To give some content, the person who wrote this is a rascits and he was tying to explain what's happening with imagrants and what we should do to stop the boats from coming
I dont think that's racist tbh, maybe the person is but not that analogy.
I think the UK give alot of support for people that come to this country thats why they pay thousands to get here.
My parents were immigrants that came here in 1970's. They never got handouts or benefits my dad had a really bad accident at a building site and never got sick pay, dole or anything whatsoever and had to go back to work weeks after.
There's alot of people that have worked hard all there lives here and paid into the system and not able to get support when for example they have become ill and needed support financially for eg getting PIP but alot of people that haven't paid into the system are getting healthy are accommodation etc basically for nothing. So I can see why people are so angry but behaving like this isn't really going to help.