Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

So what is it Angie do you know or are you still going to claim it was inconclusive even though you wouldn't have had the massive payout if it was. It's not other people's faults you get pissed out of your empty skull telling multiple stories, cry and cry some more and say you had sexual relations with him only person to tarnish his memory was you! No one will ever take you seriously apart from your die hard dumb nuts who all eventually leave and a new set of dumb nuts appear.
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
Im staying here its just too awkward now as you still see all the comments in lives. Keep going for the creators as they deserve every bit. ❤
It doesn’t have to be awkward. You’ve done nothing to them, it’s only comments, it’s not awkward like seeing someone in person. Don’t avoid things just over this, honestly, they should feel awkward for being that way, not you
Jun 22, 2024
grimsby takeaway
The ‘cult’ especially Hayley are even more scary & deluded than Angie! How are these people responsible for pets & children? 😩 listening to how they are soothing her inflated ego amazes me! This is exactly how Angie was raised, spoilt, stamped her feet and got what she wanted! Wish her mother left her in NZ. Hayley, get some self respect
They’re all pick mes begging to be angies favourite pet. It’s embarrassing. They’re adults and can’t have their own opinion. They go by the laws of a crackhead looking, unclean old woman with a camera phone