Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Oct 29, 2023
San Francisco
Afternoon poppets 🩵

Ang talking about an old work place made me think maybe some of her ex colleagues have seen her on their fyp. Imagine seeing Ang from accounts, hand eating off the floor and putting her thinly veiled vulva on screen 🤣

parks and recreation ew GIF


Mar 1, 2024
Yeah I sit all day texting women in my basement. I’m gradually reading through this forum it is like a tv show
the amount of sad people here. All talking about mental health sob story. Someone said get off internet if your struggling and they ar right. Telling everyone who will listen s see
🤗 huh
Apr 2, 2024
Big gob Village
Back pain is horrible so i really feel for you, I ended up with what you have by going to a chiropractor.
I had my L4 and L5 removed so I'm fine now (luckily) but the same can't be said for everyone.
It's not nice and I hope you manage to get some relief but please don't go to a chiropractor especially when your discs are already damaged. - good luck and I hope you're pain free soon.
I herniated L4 & L5 in 2022 it was horrendous,could even pee or poo for 3 weeks. I even got booked for the operation then the night before I got another MRI and the duscs were redu so it got cancelled. Then it happened again start of July. It’s absolutely the worst pain I’ve ever had. Edit to add, I could poo after a few days after being on anti inflammatories but had a catheter for 3 weeks
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I herniated L4 & L5 in 2022 it was horrendous,could even pee or poo for 3 weeks. I even got booked for the operation then the night before I got another MRI and the duscs were redu so it got cancelled. Then it happened again start of July. It’s absolutely the worst pain I’ve ever had
The damage and pain from bulging,crumbling, slipped disc can cause is agonising, I know people start panicking when spinal surgery is mentioned (rightly so) but I was back on my feet and walking around within 24hrs.
I'm going back 12 years ago and I refused to wait around so I went private but I know not everyone is in the position to do that and the waiting lists are so long atm. It can't be nice and i hope they can give you answers and get down to the root cause of your problem because the 'not knowing' can be just as bad as soul destroying as the pain you're in.
Edit - get a second opinion if you really have to. Good luck!