Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Nov 10, 2023
I've been missing for a few days and noone noticed 🤣🤣🤣

I could be in hospital fighting for my right to party!!

i need you right now music video GIF by The Chainsmokers
Dont Let Me Down Music Video GIF by The Chainsmokers

Will Ferrell Elf GIF by filmeditor
Mar 15, 2024
Tik tok
Is this replying to the post. I cannot see where this is sending to.

Maybe I have misunderstood but I believe this to be a retaliation atta k or something.

Also you all hate on miss baguette at least she has a voice and people like her

I don’t know what’s going on but Nolan is a tweaker and he was conversing with the one of you that turned out to be a catfish

That’s all folks
We don't ALL hate on miss baguette, When people have beef with someone in here that's their beef, I don't hate on Miss Baguette, or elm..or anyone who's left here. Others might have more reason too though. WE ARE SEPERATE PEOPLE CAPABLE OF INDEPENDENT THOUGHT!!!

Say that I feel confident to speak for others when I say WE DONT LIKE YOU...