Delusive angie @delusive_angie10


I don't understand why people don't call their friends out for the bad things they say. Do they not want them to be better?

I don't believe she meant those threats, she was just bigging her friend up. But they way she went into detail went far beyond acceptable.

I'm not sure who Kiki is but what if there's people who have spoken about her negatively or called her out on her behaviour, should they take those threats serious?. If Angie said those things bigging up Pearl would the people calling out Pearl take those threats seriously or would they take them as banter?
I'm not sure who Kiki is either, the difference between Angie, Pearl and Hayley is, Hayleys platform is based around true crime and she's supposed to set an example as she's 'supposed' (i use that word lightly) to speak for all of these victims and their families, although imo she's nothing but a thorn in their sides and I imagine a lot of the victims she's spoken about were either stabbed or shot so you'd think she would know better than to use those type of threats.

Angies just a nasty, bitter, resentful drunk and Pearl is an uneducated, hateful hag.

Neither of them are taken seriously on the app and none of them claim to have a degree in criminology and in my opinion, that's the difference.
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I'm not sure who Kiki is either, the difference between Angie, Pearl and Hayley is, Hayleys platform is based around true crime and she's supposed to set an example as she's 'supposed' (i use that word lightly) to speak for all of these victims and their families, although imo she's nothing but a thorn in their sides and I imagine a lot of the victims she's spoken about were either stabbed or shot so you'd think she would know better than to use those type of threats.

Angies just a nasty, bitter, resentful drunk and Pearl is an uneducated, hateful hag.

Neither of them are taken seriously on the app and none of them claim to have a degree in criminology and in my opinion, that's the difference.
do a duck sorry I don't know why everything is blurred out. I was only meant to blur 2 words out.
I swear I'm not drunk, although I could use it as an excuse because everyone else seems to be. 🙃
- fixed it. 😭


Jun 26, 2024
Alex live complaining about selective outrage while displaying selective outrage!
You can’t sit moaning and refusing to liken it to things that angie has said!
“People are triggered by what Hayley said” ok Alex was people not triggered by Angie talking about incest? Beastiailty? Dv? Csa?
But no Alex you will now sit and excuse her bs because people “go at” her when she’s drunk!
THAT Alex is selective outrage
Yes this these people can not be outraged when they have said the same or worse


Jun 26, 2024
When the filter slips
Scared Parks And Recreation GIF by HULU


Jun 26, 2024
Paige & Taurian are not asking for donations but accepting donations to buy kids school uniforms. Bit more wholesome than the latest se on TikTok 👹

Yeah guys if anyone wants to make a donation the PayPal link in paigeys page they have managed to help about 10 families already

Also anyone who needs help please message Taurian x