Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Feb 28, 2024
Your mum
You’d give ur kid up to slap someone.. way to invested in social media you.

s mum vibes
Mixed Martial Arts Middle Finger GIF by UFC
Nov 10, 2023
I'm just going to ask you outright. Was that acc yours and did you make that comment. If it was you just own it because we're all getting the blame and I'll not be blamed for csa being mocked. If it's not you then we obviously stand by you.

If this gets me cancelled then so be it.
If it was me I’d admit it. Even I can see that it looks like me. But be buggered am I admitting to something I haven’t done.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
this was the lady behind the accounts. She started following me. Posted a story about being recognised 🙄 and then made the accounts and was a bit of a t. That was the 18th July IMG_0629.jpeg IMG_0621.png
She's only behind the backup account that's posting right now and appeared again in the last hour though right? The name isn't the same as the one in the screenshot so that's a different issue.
Oct 24, 2023
My claws are under your skin
Wait wtf is going on why is anybody trying to rim angie???

I would rather shove broken glass down my throat then drink lemon juice than be anywhere near that stinking piss tramp

Have I entered the twilight zone
World peace, I think there was a similar live with DG last night too from what I read in here