Delusive angie @delusive_angie10

Hope everyone has their snacks ready for Angie's pity party later 🎉
Happy New Year GIF by HBO
Fully stocked on chocolate and chocolate fingers that are on nectar im only fat when nectar prices are on point 🤣


Mar 16, 2024
What's Corie supposed to have done to Dorans? Someone catch me up please?
Seems I've missed the most interesting hour of the day 🙄
Feb 29, 2024
I think the same. She's thick as pigs s. I think it’s all drink related now. Why drink if it’s not fun
That's why I only ever have a few drinks, I get a bloody hang over before I go bed. And I don't sleep even, so jealous of people that can just fall asleep after a night out 🤣


Dec 21, 2023
Trigger warning (I cant fing figure out how to hide comments again)

Angie always claims to SH on her arms/wrists but the days following her SH shes always sat in sleeveless tops with not so much as a little scratch on her. We all know fine and well if she had scars she would get them out every single time she was pissed. I'm sorry if this has triggered anyone.
I honestly think she just picked a scab the other night.
Nov 14, 2023
Every Where
No I won’t be, I went in cause topgirl was sharing, I’m nosey and I was wallowing on my sofa. But I’m not looking to make friends, be a part of anything or sit in her box. I don’t want or need an apology, I just need peace all around me for my own mental well being right now, I also very much enjoy triggering the cult members who hate me.
I hope you take this as friendly advice and not an attack. Protecting your mental health for me would be just blocking her. From the outside looking in it seems as if when you're called to her box people go running. It's not Delulu that they judge. It's the people who swear on everything they love they will never get in her box again. If you want to trigger her cult fine I love it. Just don't swear all over the app to never grace her boxes again. This is just my perception and not an attack at all.