James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


New member
Jun 21, 2024
James, if this is you, I think we need a chat sweetheart...
I tell you what, I've got chemo a week on Tuesday...you know, chemo, chemo for my real terminal cancer so if you fancy coming along you can see what really happens and how horrific the whole ordeal is youre more than welcome..I'll even let you take photos of a real chemo bag, not an out of date omeprazole bag. This one will have the correct date on it, the biohazard symbol on it, and all my relevant 'real' info on it.
We can even get a selfie together if you want and then you can post about how you support others with cancer whilst on you're 'journey'.
Fancy it? Let me know? We all know you won't cos you're a pathetic little weasel who seriously need help but hey...the offers there 😆
If I was James then yes, but I’m okay cheers

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
If I was James then yes, but I’m okay cheers
Oh that's a shame...I was quite looking forward to having a bit of company.
We could have shared an NHS cheese sandwich together whilst we compared 'experiences'.
We could even compare scars, I don't want to call top trumps on you but I bet mine beat yours 🤣
I'll extend the offer to another time then maybe? I go every 4 weeks so loads of other opportunities to catch up.
Speak soon petal 😡


New member
Jun 21, 2024
Oh that's a shame...I was quite looking forward to having a bit of company.
We could have shared an NHS cheese sandwich together whilst we compared 'experiences'.
I'll extend the offer to another time then maybe? I go every 4 weeks so loads of other opportunities to catch up.
Speak soon petal 😡
Sorry to disappoint but I’m defo not James! He’s prob on his jolly’s loving life!
Jun 18, 2024
Come on Bigbob bullshit bollocks.... ahem.... I mean James
Come on ...... we know its you..... the replies are a give away.... I can detect the passive aggressiveness that you display so often on live a mile away!
Come on.... let's get some answers! You must be missing the drama to come on here...

Did you not fancy calling the air ambulance today? Or are you leaving it a few more days ?

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
Come on Bigbob bullshit bollocks.... ahem.... I mean James
Come on ...... we know its you..... the replies are a give away.... I can detect the passive aggressiveness that you display so often on live a mile away!
Come on.... let's get some answers! You must be missing the drama to come on here...

Did you not fancy calling the air ambulance today? Or are you leaving it a few more days ?
Like 'Bob' said...he's probably on his jollys loving life...he surely wouldn't be at all interested in what we're all saying about him.
I mean any normal person if they were on the holidays wouldn't give this a second thought, they'd be enjoying themselves, not making up fake profiles to reply to comments us mere mortals make????
But it's nice to know that you feel well enough James to go on holiday (hiding in a travel lodge) especially after everything you've been through.
I'm really glad that the NHS could spare the nurses, doctors etc time to look after you especially when I had to wait 24 weeks for a procedure that was supposed to happen in 2 weeks but its fine, I'm happy that you managed to get seen 😡


Jun 6, 2024
north West
I think this was probably one of his ‘traps’ that he thought he was so clever with that nobody fell for 😂😂

Oh James, you really need to give up. We keep telling you how thick you are!! We had sussed you within 2 posts that you made. I can 100% vouch for that, as can 2 other people on here who I messaged to tell them 😂😂

What did you want to know? Do we know your address? Have I been to it today? What travelodge are you in? Do you really think we are so stupid to reply and tell you?

I will help you out a bit with clues because you lack a brain cell…. I do NOT live near you. You HAVE messaged me at least 3 times privately. I AM on your friends on one of your socials. There you go, that will keep you scratching your head for the weekend. Work it out Clueso.

Oh, and I also DO KNOW that you are being investigated for all your fraud, lies and forgery and will not be getting away with it. Game on you massive tit.


New member
Jun 21, 2024
New member here, 72 pages of interesting read…. 😂 i have James on facebook which he seems to have deactivated now but still using the messenger part.
Anyways, during his many disappearing acts and getting everyone worried….. he seems to have also jumped off the Blackpool pier on more than one occasion. Which he forgot to fit that list of “things I've done” 😂😂 …… enjoy x


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Jun 6, 2024
north West
New member here, 72 pages of interesting read…. 😂 i have James on facebook which he seems to have deactivated now but still using the messenger part.
Anyways, during his many disappearing acts and getting everyone worried….. he seems to have also jumped off the Blackpool pier on more than one occasion. Which he forgot to fit that list of “things I've done” 😂😂 …… enjoy x
🤣🤣🤣 was that this year? His phone is in the sea? 🤣🤣 ffs he makes it up as he goes along. He is mentally disturbed but we all knew that anyway.

He only deactivated his facebook this week. Ooops was I not supposed to know that? 😂😂
Jun 18, 2024
Your very quiet James...........
Are you ok???

Do you need us to call you an ambulance? Or maybe an air ambulance?
Or hang on what about the coastguard?
Or shall we ring ahead to the Christies to let them know you will be checking in? Or is a different hospital for the next checkin I honestly can't keep up with all your shenanigans..... hospital hopping is busy business!!!!
Or perhaps your just laying somewhere in the travel lodge carpark waiting for these "passer bys " to find you.... yes that will be it 🥰