James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?


Jun 9, 2024
Cant believe people still fall for his lies ffs .. hes looking well for someone who has started his treatment again šŸ˜”
Heā€™s looking well considering šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ I canā€™t believe the amount of gifts heā€™s getting, absolutely shameless. Whoā€™s the mod getting hard for him - the one who keeps talking about his day in court? šŸ„±


Jun 21, 2024
He creeps me the do out.

Funny how there has been no more cancer medical emergencies since he's been called out for the lying scum bag that he is.

He's still desperately clinging on to the gullible that still believe his bullshit but it's all falling apart around him.
Boo fing hoo.

I love that for you James you freaky fantasist.
Absolutely! No one that ill and that severe with cancer can leave hospital after what he's claimed to have had gone through, gone on holiday 3 days later and now living a normal life? I watched someone go through that and pass away, suffering, and I suffer from PTSD now. This is why it makes me so angry šŸ˜”

Glitzy Koala

Jun 18, 2024
His eyes tell the whole truth! He cannot sit still, always does the nervous eye thing and head scratch and cannot be nice to anyone! He's on the defense all the time! All liar traits.... If he's started chemo why not show his PICC to shut it all down šŸ¤”

I'm having chemo and I don't have a picc line...by no means sticking up for him of course, please don't think I am...
Jun 28, 2024
fing hell i spend a day off my phone and he goes live? someone tell me what he did?
He did nothing. Avoided any cancer and chemo questions and only replied to the ones who asked how ā€œtreatmentā€ was going. Practically rolled his eyes into the back of his head to pull out a random 6 week timeline when asked how long said treatment was going to take. Iā€™d imagine this is so when it all comes tumbling out that he didnā€™t have cancer or he changes the narrative he will try and say he never told anyone he was having chemo and the trolls made it up. He will say the cancer was operated on and is now gone.
He also blocked loads of people for asking simple questions and claimed many times that his trolls had been arrested and one of them is STILL in prison, although he doesnā€™t entirely seem sure what for.
His face is much fatter without a filter on and he drinks empty cans of sprite.


Jun 17, 2024
His eyes are all over the place watching different screens. He is telling people there is a woman outside his gaff but she is being filmed and recorded and as usual is completely ignoring any questions mentioning cancer or chemo..Moving tomorrow apparently. Had another dig at the girl who was in Tenerife with him saying she shaved her hair off to attract boys. Lying little grifter makes my blood boil. Constantly asked me for support/gifts but the numbers aren't going up. I think the devoted fan girlies are as bad as him.