James Horton Kofoed. Is he for real as nothing adds up?

Feb 6, 2024
Oh god I remember mr bowel bro. He was disgusting and I wish I had his address as I’d burn his house to the ground. He was trying to copy our beloved deb and it didn’t work. He’s definitely moved somewhere with all the cash. Hopefully he can give James pointers and James toodles off too.
He did die, and sad face house is still for sale with a ridiculous price tag of 2 million. With a massive new build housing estate going up around it. If it does sell at that price she will walk away with a million quid, and all the scammed money..🤬


Jun 14, 2024
He did die, and sad face house is still for sale with a ridiculous price tag of 2 million. With a massive new build housing estate going up around it. If it does sell at that price she will walk away with a million quid, and all the scammed money..🤬
Do you think he did. There was never proof he did from what I remember. Both of them were shifty as hell.


Jun 16, 2024
Omeprazole Chemo
I’m glad there’s receipts out there showing he said he was due to have chemo, as I’m certain he will claim he never said it, like he claims he doesn’t say a lot of things people have got on record. He was extremely careful last night only to respond to questions about treatment and not about chemo, and not once did he say the word cancer.
it’s like his go fund me, i’ve found proof of that too and the link still works!


Jun 14, 2024
Lung cancer is terminal. Few years, unless you get a transplant. Don't know if transplants apply in these cases.

Bowel cancer is generally a slow growing cancer, when it spreads to the lungs it can be treatable and curable for some. Lung cancer that originates in the lungs is totally different. However when you become stage 4 the risks are high of recurrence and even when NED (no evidence of disease) it’s known as living with stage 4.


May 23, 2024
Do you think he did. There was never proof he did from what I remember. Both of them were shifty as hell.
People applied for death certificate and got it, maria maria on tat was going to as well. Had to wait six months.
Shes still there in sad house waiting for it to sell running a Just giving fundraiser which is actually going to the Bowel movement and not in their bank account like it normally did, trying to deflect from the past ones in case anyone is looking into to all our reports, I think anyway, yes they were very shifty, so glad we were able to prove fraud over the book.


Jun 8, 2024
Did anyone else pick up on the window smashing video that he said why would you smash someone's window with a hammer? If you've got cameras that can see it was a hammer then you can see who did it which you would've given straight to the police when they 'immediately' responded. It could've been any blunt object and you'd only know what did it for sure if you've either got really good CCTV or did it yourself 🤣


May 23, 2024
Do you think he did. There was never proof he did from what I remember. Both of them were shifty as hell.
We honestly thought they were going to do a runner, with the bleeping house up for sale an all, he did pass, but we didnt believe it cos Ma baker kept it so low key, we were convinced, turns out she was keeping it low key for a reason, turns out she didnt inform companies house he was dead, but closed some of his companies down on the day he died, who does that!! We reported it to companies house and they wrote to her asking for an update. We think it was all about a barn that was up for sale at 700k, sale was going through, if she had reported his death accounts would of been frozen, so we think tax fraud, dont know if she got the full 700k or just a share, all very dodgy, but a few of us reported to HMRC so they will get to her at some point. If he hasn't passed then it's been a massive cover up, but with death certificate proof we believe he has, how awful is it that you have to get a DC in order to believe someone has actually died, all the lies he told, she told, can they blame us, and if I was you JAMES BELLEND, I'd give it up now, because we got to the bottom of stuff we never gave up, took us a year, and we did prove fraud!!

Deleted member 4918

New member
Jun 30, 2024
We honestly thought they were going to do a runner, with the bleeping house up for sale an all, he did pass, but we didnt believe it cos Ma baker kept it so low key, we were convinced, turns out she was keeping it low key for a reason, turns out she didnt inform companies house he was dead, but closed some of his companies down on the day he died, who does that!! We reported it to companies house and they wrote to her asking for an update. We think it was all about a barn that was up for sale at 700k, sale was going through, if she had reported his death accounts would of been frozen, so we think tax fraud, dont know if she got the full 700k or just a share, all very dodgy, but a few of us reported to HMRC so they will get to her at some point. If he hasn't passed then it's been a massive cover up, but with death certificate proof we believe he has, how awful is it that you have to get a DC in order to believe someone has actually died, all the lies he told, she told, can they blame us, and if I was you JAMES BELLEND, I'd give it up now, because we got to the bottom of stuff we never gave up, took us a year, and we did prove fraud!!

Deleted member 4918

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Did anyone else pick up on the window smashing video that he said why would you smash someone's window with a hammer? If you've got cameras that can see it was a hammer then you can see who did it which you would've given straight to the police when they 'immediately' responded. It could've been any blunt object and you'd only know what did it for sure if you've either got really good CCTV or did it yourself 🤣

Deleted member 4918

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Bloody hell I had a day off and missed all this. So he is moving, again? Didn’t he say that 2 months ago?
James, my dad had bowel cancer which then spread to his liver and lungs. It was Stage 4. Inbetween being told of the spread myself by the doctor when he was in a&e and they had his scan results, the doctor then asked me if, due to the spread and the inevitable happening did I want him to go through procedures and more suffering for what he was in a&e for.
My dad did get over that admittance but died within 4 weeks, and you would not believe the horror of things he suffered in those 4 weeks.
So yes, you are the biggest scumbag ever for lying, yes you did say it was Stage 4 and no, it isnt a 6 week course of chemo to cure what you say you have.
What a joke he is. To even imagine my dad moving house, going on holiday, even doing tt lives once his cancer had spread. Not a chance. I was lucky if he managed to ever move out of bed with lots of help. I had to lift his legs in to bef for him, he didn’t even have the strength to do that himself. He was actually begging me to help him end it because he was suffering so much.
You are a bastard.
And what a shock, more lies about trolls. That isnt trolls at all, and if you have cameras yo know who it is. It seems all your neighbours hate you too. Strange isn’t it that all your family, your friends, your ex business partners, ex boyfriend and your neighbours all cannot stand you. But its never your fault?