Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
Can we snap back to 2023 and stop living in 2017 please. Cheers. Its old tea and over brewed Boring as do tea from years ago.

Funny though isn't it your being almost everything your portraying her to be if not NASTIER.

What has Alison ever done to you for you to judge her as you just have ? She's a 'weirdo' because she speaks to people online and messages them ? are you feeling OK hun?
Boring 😴
Apr 16, 2023
Oh the evidence of her talking to a tattle account, the evidence of that tatler account saying they were going to come here and stir up s ? And what given point did this prove that 1 Kayleigh was Ivy and was a racist to Jodie ? Do you see how shambolic, ludicrous and damn right stupid your factless accusations are. Atleast have some substance when your going to accuse someone of being a racist .

Please elaborate on your bizzare way of thinking .
Boring 😴


Jun 5, 2023

You're so right. SO right. But apologising would mean veering away from the false narrative she's trying to create to come across as the woe is me poor victim.

She deserves EVERYTHING she gets.
You really need to change your mentality and thought processes. You are one very angry and bitter person.

Do better.
Apr 21, 2023
I have my suspicions who it is , but the truth is it could be anyone and I won't throw accusations around by naming people if I don't know for a absolute fact with evidence to back it up . But the pattern of behaviour , the wording , the way it speaks etc it's obvious. I've dealt with this person I believe it is for 4 years now . They are correct in what they said in one of their posts "this will NEVER end" yeah sure as s it won't it's been 5 years and you still havent stopped ya maniac .
Imagine being hated by that many people that you don’t know who is targeting you. That’s sad and very telling. If that doesn’t make you want to smarten up your act, nothing will.

Ohh and my moneys on Aileen. You know, that one who called the social and the police on you! That good, good friend of yours who you went to stay with that wanted someone to remove your poor children from your care. Yeah that one. Look closer to home darling.
Apr 16, 2023
This can’t be Kayleigh coming out with this gem 😂 This person is a top troll stating this.

I haven't directly responded to a single thing the swamp monster says because she's a monstrous beast I shan't waste my energy on but to laugh at but THIS 🤣🤣🤣 this one got me. The projection is strong with this t 😂 not everything is said spitefully, but of course the fat fing trollop wont understand that being a poisonous t. Even this, is said jovially, mockingly towards her and her shambles of a life. I'm enjoying myself 🥰
Apr 12, 2023
Aww look at you getting triggered because people are getting bored of your obsession of trash talking a woman you can't stand constantly .

Well clearly you do give a s , scrabbling around like a pack of crack heads looking for their next fix to have a look at her stories 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anyone would think you were in their relationship . You ok hun??
Who's getting bored? Definitely not us big mean trolls 🧌 I can't get enough of that fat ginger minging fs car crash of a life, having to buy Asda smart price for the kids whilst spending hundreds on her fat ugly wrinkly patchy face, not even Botox can't get rid of the wrinkles & those horrible wonky puss filled lips says it all about her really, me,me me always about herself, those poor kids
Apr 12, 2023
Does she pay for that s shoved in her face though pet? Are you her accountant ? We don't care of your food shop your as interesting as this thread .
This thread was interesting until you showed you fat ugly self here, do yourself a favour & go do an Alexa again, at least it won't get stuck in your baggy t
Apr 12, 2023
Does she pay for that s shoved in her face though pet? Are you her accountant ? We don't care of your food shop your as interesting as this thread .
Well she did say how much it cost her before & she gets mates rates from Tanya who clearly needs to go back to training because the state of kk face is baaaad 🤣🤣