Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 16, 2023
But rich coming from her

She's so right for once. There are so many mothers out there who aren't fit to parent.. The ones who have random dangerous men in their house when they hardly know them, the ones who hand out their address to men on dating sites, the ones who plaster their kids photos between photos of their tits, the ones who don't feed their children a healthy balanced diet, the ones who rant on social media about family with their kids in earshot, the ones who choose brand new tan and false nails over brand new kids clothes and toys.. Need I go on? Oh and I'm describing you KKK. If you haven't noticed.


Apr 30, 2023
She's so right for once. There are so many mothers out there who aren't fit to parent.. The ones who have random dangerous men in their house when they hardly know them, the ones who hand out their address to men on dating sites, the ones who plaster their kids photos between photos of their tits, the ones who don't feed their children a healthy balanced diet, the ones who rant on social media about family with their kids in earshot, the ones who choose brand new tan and false nails over brand new kids clothes and toys.. Need I go on? Oh and I'm describing you KKK. If you haven't noticed.
She’s such a hypocrite! Who remembers when she let cheese lick the bbq and when she happily gave 100s of online strangers her address to send her kids clothes cause she was too tight and selfish to buy them herself would rather buy out of date sausages
Apr 16, 2023
This t is absolutely nuts. It's 8 o'clock at night and most families (including big kevs kkk - don't be bitter) are sat down to dinner, talking about their day, doing the school reading and homework with their kids and bathing ready for bed and this unit is on one yet again. I'd say where are her kids but no doubt they've been in bed by half five prepped and ready for moby dick to cry about and wonder why they're up at 5am in the morning 🤣

Why keep dragging big kev through the mud? She just can't stand it can she, knowing she's been mugged off. Most normal people would hang their head in shame and keep quiet, desperate to move on from such embarrassment but here she is stirring it all up again because so butt hurt about being rejected!!

In her previous tiktoks about him today, she said he turned up at her house after she said she told his baby mum.. That's dangerous. Why was he there? To do what? Argue? Yet she's provoking him again knowing her kids live there. Yet another example of "I'm a mother first" 🤣 like do KKK. You're a selfish slapper.
Last edited:
Apr 21, 2023
She's so right for once. There are so many mothers out there who aren't fit to parent.. The ones who have random dangerous men in their house when they hardly know them, the ones who hand out their address to men on dating sites, the ones who plaster their kids photos between photos of their tits, the ones who don't feed their children a healthy balanced diet, the ones who rant on social media about family with their kids in earshot, the ones who choose brand new tan and false nails over brand new kids clothes and toys.. Need I go on? Oh and I'm describing you KKK. If you haven't noticed.
Apr 16, 2023
This t is absolutely nuts. It's 8 o'clock at night and most families (including big kevs kkk - don't be bitter) are sat down to dinner, talking about their day, doing the school reading and homework with their kids and bathing ready for bed and this unit is on one yet again. I'd say where are her kids but no doubt they've been in bed by half five prepped and ready for moby dick to cry about and wonder why they're up at 5am in the morning 🤣

Why keep dragging big kev through the mud? She just can't stand it can she, knowing she's been mugged off. Most normal people would hang their head in shame and keep quiet, desperate to move on from such embarrassment but here she is stirring it all up again because so butt hurt about being rejected!!

In her previous tiktoks about him today, she said he turned up at her house after she said she told his baby mum.. That's dangerous. Why was he there? To do what? Argue? Yet she's provoking him again knowing her kids live there. Yet another example of "I'm a mother first" 🤣 like do KKK. You're a selfish slapper.
Proper fkn stalking,checking up to see if he's taxed and mot his car, because if he doesn't you can bet she will report him.KK you sad fk, if you put as much effort into your kids as you do with stalking and shagging strange men your kids would have a much better life, all because he fkd you off


Apr 12, 2023
Thinking it’s a flex because she reported his car tax. imagine being 34 and Doing all this s. Who even does that kind of thing. I’m so embarrassed for her. KKK I hope he knocks down your door because maybe you will finally Meet your match.
Well she has to do something in between selling her "junk" and she's not got a husband ( actual or otherwise) or house to deal with. No career. Only so many tan tops up and mega meals in the week, you know .