Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Aug 8, 2023
Around 12-18 months ago, KK decided she wanted to start ‘working’. She had some make shift ‘glow up’ with her new lip filler and Botox (from Tan) who KK never paid for the first 2 rounds and the third, she paid £40 and some dodgy out of date steaks 😂😂)

the Botox mate, AGAIN is another one who decided to not let KK in their house anymore. KK would allow the kids into her home, to climb over the dog (the youngest was pictured on the dogs back numerous times, plus it’s a HUGE dog) The eldest was aggressive with Tans kids, and KK would go round there, film, eat their food, make a mess and allow the kids to act feral. Tans husband said he didn’t want them in their house anymore. KK insists they’re still friends, however I don’t believe this is the case. Especially after Tan told her she doesn’t want them round anymore.

Uncle Ben

Apr 17, 2023
Long time lurker but have had to join In Tonight with real scrips from “friends” of Kayleigh’s and all this talk of chippys can’t help myself!
Love scraps and chip buttys!
No barms or rolls
Also chips pie chips mushy peas and gravy
No screen shots as of yet. I will be slaughtered by the time they finish.
Went and bought my wine and snacks for tonight’s tea - gonna be blitzed by the end 🤣🫠
Aug 8, 2023
KK used the ‘working/jobs’ as a way to cheat on Dan. Many of the jobs was waitressing/bar work. (Apart from the golf club, which KK admitted was full of rich, Pervy men).

KK, many of times decided to work the late shift, in order to cop off with men at the end of the night. I lost count how many men she gave her number too, and arranged dates with which she’d tell Dan she was working when really going out to cheat.

I know for certain, there’s been Kev, Ray (some bloke from the golf club called John)

And whilst working in the bar is was the DJ friend she often posts about, a bouncer called Mike and there was at least one other one but I cannot remember his name.

She always used to say she was never afraid of being caught, or/and reported to her manager as all of these jobs was ‘temporary’ anyway. (Her words).


Aug 10, 2023
I know we’re waiting for screenshots but there’s literally no new information. And about 3 years missing.

There’s been talk about DV on her part towards Dan for ages and ages, pre pandemic. I’ve also personally heard a voice note of her shouting and swearing at her kids.

Sorry, but this is not new info at all. The most shocking thing I’ve read this evening is people calling rolls barms 🤯😭
Apr 16, 2023
I know we’re waiting for screenshots but there’s literally no new information. And about 3 years missing.

There’s been talk about DV on her part towards Dan for ages and ages, pre pandemic. I’ve also personally heard a voice note of her shouting and swearing at her kids.

Sorry, but this is not new info at all. The most shocking thing I’ve read this evening is people calling rolls barms 🤯😭
I don’t actually care now I’m just here for the laughs 😂

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
I know we’re waiting for screenshots but there’s literally no new information. And about 3 years missing.

There’s been talk about DV on her part towards Dan for ages and ages, pre pandemic. I’ve also personally heard a voice note of her shouting and swearing at her kids.

Sorry, but this is not new info at all. The most shocking thing I’ve read this evening is people calling rolls barms 🤯😭
I've heard some new info, and where it hasn't been new info it has given old info context. Either way I'm enjoying myself. Screenshots are good and I hope they come but if not bugger it, it's all a bit of fun as far as I'm concerned. I'm not the police, I don't have a personal vendetta against the beast just here for ss and giggles and some old fashioned bitching about an irritation.

Frank Farmer

Jul 29, 2023
Around 12-18 months ago, KK decided she wanted to start ‘working’. She had some make shift ‘glow up’ with her new lip filler and Botox (from Tan) who KK never paid for the first 2 rounds and the third, she paid £40 and some dodgy out of date steaks 😂😂)

the Botox mate, AGAIN is another one who decided to not let KK in their house anymore. KK would allow the kids into her home, to climb over the dog (the youngest was pictured on the dogs back numerous times, plus it’s a HUGE dog) The eldest was aggressive with Tans kids, and KK would go round there, film, eat their food, make a mess and allow the kids to act feral. Tans husband said he didn’t want them in their house anymore. KK insists they’re still friends, however I don’t believe this is the case. Especially after Tan told her she doesn’t want them round anymore.
I was told this as well, but the version I was told is the friend stopped inviting them round.