Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

May 23, 2023
You pricks keep tagging me and if you can see it’s 00.30am. No visiting hours at this time.
So what? I’ve had Facebook friends dying and it’s made me not want to speak to friends, let alone strangers on forums…no matter how much I’m tagged, texted or called. Weird as do 💀🤣
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May 23, 2023
At no point have I had a notification buzz on my phone from this site. It’s not like we’re texting you @Dannyd27 so why is your phone going off?

Is @Paigebarbie comforting you while you’re waiting for your nan to die or has she gone to bed so she can look after the kids on her own again in the morning?
i just started ‘watching’ 99heads thread and it asked if I wanted email notifications. Of course I said no…so at best ‘he’ has those which in itself would imply a sad t 🙏🏽