Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Apr 12, 2023
Who the do said it upset me šŸ«£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Listen to yourselves. No one gives a s blahhhhh. Yes sheā€™s a disgusting piece of s and sick in the head and b and b need removing. Im allowed an opinion and if I want to say they are the same
person I can, but yet here you all are jumping on me being fs. As soon as a new account pops up and says something different you all turn into nasty wolves.

asking each other if you are all ok because what you witnessed and the action you took. Grow up. I rang social I reported her and I gave the voice note. Iā€™m not devastated over it. Iā€™m upset as what she did but I took action, you are all drama fing queens.
Itā€™s not even 9am you need to calm yourself down, itā€™s just a gossip site itā€™s possible to have healthy debates you donā€™t need to get angry why you getting all lemon about it?
I donā€™t remember being nasty to you I said I donā€™t care who they are and I honestly couldnā€™t care who you are either.
(I Think youā€™re the neighbourā€™s daughter though šŸ˜‰)

So if @KKhastheclap & @Toomanytalestotale are the same person, what does it matter? Whatā€™s your point exactly?
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2023
Iā€™ve already said sheā€™s vile for what sheā€™s done. Yes it makes us all very sad. But come on, itā€™s Too embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going around. You donā€™t care about those kids, you just want to do wrong by her. Look at yourself, look at how dramatic you are. Building a case? Do it, but you donā€™t need to tell the whole fing world. Itā€™s like you want attention and sympathy. No one cares about you hun. Itā€™s about the kids.

I donā€™t care if you all think Iā€™m kk because Iā€™m having an opinion different to yours. I agree 100% sheā€™s vile. And it upset me But just because people have opinion about the way your acting you all donā€™t like it and turn into KK and start being fs.

what did she do? Talk in a vile way about briah. Yes thatā€™s disgraceful.
she threw a toy and it hit her. Thatā€™s HORRENDOUS. send the voice note to social services and let them do it. Building a case on what? Do you think they care about the other s. Thereā€™s no case to build. Stop delaying and send it.
ivr already sent it and spoke to them on the phone. It was fing easy. Your a fing drama queen hun, this thread isnā€™t about you.

this whole thread is sadder than kks life.
Itā€™s embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going on here then you say it upset you? Make it make sense you silly t!
Maybe not the neighbour then because surely she wouldnā€™t defend a child abuser!!!
Apr 12, 2023
Of course some of you have been abused, of course some of you know social workers, whoā€™s the lawyer? Whoā€™s the police officer?? Shut up. I sent the video in soft play a long time to social. They did nothing. Youā€™re too late with this s. The hitting briah, Iā€™ve alread sent. Theyā€™re acting on it. I didnā€™t need to build a case. I already sent them the videos of the random men etc, itā€™s all been done. see I didnā€™t come on here and ask everyone to kiss my ass and praise me, I just fing did it.

Listen to yourself, ā€œGo suck a fing fart through a straw because this isn't the place for you.ā€

do you know how fing pathetic you sound.
didnā€™t I say I care? Iā€™ve already sent everything. If I didnā€™t care I wouldnā€™t have. Stop making it about you.
ā€œStop making it about youā€
Only person doing that is you, youā€™re definitely from Dunstable hun itā€™s a place full of thick as s inbreds and youā€™re 100% both of those!

Another one going on ignore šŸ’¤
Apr 12, 2023
Itā€™s embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going on here then you say it upset you? Make it make sense you silly t!
Maybe not the neighbour then because surely she wouldnā€™t defend a child abuser!!!
Oh sorry youā€™re not defending her you think itā€™s a competition of who can report her quickest, definitely neighbours daughter then! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


New member
Nov 17, 2023
I havenā€™t said donā€™t send it, I encourage you but stop being so fing dramatic. She threw a toy at her, sheā€™s not beat her to a pulp, yes itā€™s still vile but fing hell calm down. you need to go have a relaxing bath @KKK.Hates.Her.Kids
Apr 12, 2023
Great timing right? šŸ¤£
Just giving my post a bump because itā€™s definitely impeccable timing, itā€™s ok for @Kkshamwiche and @Clamwrap23 do be the same person but no one else because she is queen reporter! So if you could all mind your business and leave it to her she will solely save the kids from Kkk all by herself and maybe with the help of the fire starter too šŸ’Ŗ

No need to reply to me ā€œneighbours daughterā€ Iā€™ve muted you šŸ˜˜


Nov 15, 2023
@YourMum yep denied it and called us all freaks and did stories on it if I remember rightly. She saw the moment it was mentioned and removed it. In certain she didn't think anyone was quick enough to get a screen record of it but here we are! fing wrongen she is!

Exactly!! I remember it like yesterday and then it disappeared and she turned it on us calling us ā€˜pervertsā€™ to suggest she would do such a thing. The delusion and lies are astounding from that hideous t.
Apr 16, 2023
Iā€™ve already said sheā€™s vile for what sheā€™s done. Yes it makes us all very sad. But come on, itā€™s Too embarrassing the amount of fake emotion going around. You donā€™t care about those kids, you just want to do wrong by her. Look at yourself, look at how dramatic you are. Building a case? Do it, but you donā€™t need to tell the whole fing world. Itā€™s like you want attention and sympathy. No one cares about you hun. Itā€™s about the kids.

I donā€™t care if you all think Iā€™m kk because Iā€™m having an opinion different to yours. I agree 100% sheā€™s vile. And it upset me But just because people have opinion about the way your acting you all donā€™t like it and turn into KK and start being fs.

what did she do? Talk in a vile way about briah. Yes thatā€™s disgraceful.
she threw a toy and it hit her. Thatā€™s HORRENDOUS. send the voice note to social services and let them do it. Building a case on what? Do you think they care about the other s. Thereā€™s no case to build. Stop delaying and send it.
ivr already sent it and spoke to them on the phone. It was fing easy. Your a fing drama queen hun, this thread isnā€™t about you.

this whole thread is sadder than kks life.
Apr 16, 2023
Itā€™s called fast typing šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

also check your own spelling before you talk about mine šŸ”½šŸ”½šŸ”½šŸ”½

ā€œhe is trying to defend her in the comments. Saving she never lied about being in a DV relationship. He never replied to me when I said that HE is also someone she has accused of DV, not just James.ā€
Everyone here that MATTERS knows why my typing is sometimes bad but well done on looking through my previous posts to find a mistake. Hereā€™s a medal for your effort šŸ…
Apr 16, 2023
ā€œStop making it about youā€
Only person doing that is you, youā€™re definitely from Dunstable hun itā€™s a place full of thick as s inbreds and youā€™re 100% both of those!

Another one going on ignore šŸ’¤
Their just trying to say they've done it all first and nothing was done about it, to stop others from sending proof in

Maggot Robbie

Jun 5, 2023
I havenā€™t said donā€™t send it, I encourage you but stop being so fing dramatic. She threw a toy at her, sheā€™s not beat her to a pulp, yes itā€™s still vile but fing hell calm down. you need to go have a relaxing bath @KKK.Hates.Her.Kids

To be fair, you/we don't know the extent of what actually goes on in their house. Just because this is something she's admitted to on a voicenote, doesn't mean there's not worse things that she's done to the kids. And as much as the physical stuff is vile, often, it's the emotional abuse that stays with you. The way you're spoken to/ shouted at or even ignored. If another sibling doesn't get treated the same or the other sibling is seemingly allowed to behave the same way towards you. I think the over feeding is abuse as well.
I'm glad you've already reported and frankly, I've given up on giving a do on who's who in this thread. Perception on people's 'drama' levels is subjective. I feel like there is some genuine upset and concern from some and, quite simply, they are allowed to feel how they feel. Trying to have a go because people are too dramatic for your liking is a bit pointless and dare I say, just one of those opinions that you may as well keep to yourself because no one is going to thank you for it. šŸ™ƒ