Leigh @xx_jiggly_jugs_xx

Nov 21, 2023
We’ve all been blocked, for a million different reasons. In the grand scheme of things, are you arsed ? Just learn from it that sometimes people genuinely are s bags. She wouldn’t have this many comments / threads over two forums if she was misunderstood.
Just crazy that she’d block someone who was, in the grand scheme of things sticking up for her! Like she’d prefer people to not do that 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know how she even knew who I was 🥴

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
Just crazy that she’d block someone who was, in the grand scheme of things sticking up for her! Like she’d prefer people to not do that 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know how she even knew who I was 🥴
She won't have a bloody clue. She just goes on blocking sprees then after a few weeks unblocks some people. Then the cycle happens again.
Apr 21, 2023
Hold my hands up. I’m a mug. The biggest mug. A mug the size of rubbish bin. Last time I try and play devils advocate for anyone. I apologise for preaching and being a dickhead 😂
Ok take a seat. Whilst you’re here you may aswell look at our lovely loulou who provides endless amounts of entertainment and content for us all. Very different woman but both equally look like they smell 🙃
Apr 12, 2023
From the lives/videos that pop up on tiktok, I don’t think I want to 😂
But originally you were a loyal follower who came here to defend her because she’s not the Kayleigh she used to be? Now you want to sit with us and laugh at her and you’re not sure you want to read the thread because of what you’ve seen on TikTok 🤔

OK HUN, we’re not fing idiots 🤡
Nov 21, 2023
But originally you were a loyal follower who came here to defend her because she’s not the Kayleigh she used to be? Now you want to sit with us and laugh at her and you’re not sure you want to read the thread because of what you’ve seen on TikTok 🤔

OK HUN, we’re not fing idiots 🤡
Where the hell did I say I wanted to sit back and laugh at her? That's not the type of person I am, regardless of being blocked for no reason... The thread I don't want to read is Lou's due to what I've seen being commented on her tiktok, and because I quite frankly don't care enough too? I didn't insinuate anyone was an idiot either.
Apr 20, 2023
Just crazy that she’d block someone who was, in the grand scheme of things sticking up for her! Like she’d prefer people to not do that 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know how she even knew who I was 🥴
She doesn’t even like her own kids… why would she be arsed about a stranger on the internet lol even if they are rimming her
Apr 20, 2023
I don’t understand why such a simple thing as Kayleigh blocking you would make you pull up a seat when you’ve spent the past few days telling us what little trolls we are. You’re a wee bit fickle aren’t you 👀
This. I ain’t welcoming her after the way she’s carried on she can piss off
Nov 21, 2023
@NotKKBeforeYouStart I said you couldn't sit with us yesterday, the same still stands today. You literally made a t of yourself defending the biggest internet troll, bully, pretending her giving bria a black eye was okay because she was hiding that she felt remourse that she actually didn't feel. Off you do hun.
Thing is, I never once said it was okay, and I stand by that, because of course it's not, however I also know accidents happen, and I'm not the type of person to instantly assume something was done on purpose, with the intent of harm. Which is what I've stated from the start, and I stand by that. It's obvious that Kayleigh has a lot of different mental health issues, also not an excuse, but anger is definitely one of them, and it could very well be the case that in the moment she didn't think, just did, and of course that still doesn't make it right, or okay, and of course it's in no way an excuse for Bria ending up with a black eye BUT it can give an insight. I do not know Kayleigh, I do not have an insight to her mind, but as a mother who becomes over stimulated, and shouty, and can snap (never resulting in anyone being hurt or anything being thrown), I can see from the side of being overwhelmed. Only difference is I sought help when I noticed the lack of ability to regulate my emotions. But I do see it from the other side.

I don't want to sit and laugh about her. Talk down on her. Speak badly on her children. That isn't who I am, and it never will be. However, I am a big enough person to admit when I'm wrong about someone deep down wanting help, because if that were the case I wouldn't be blocked. Thankfully, blocked or not, my life will still carry on as it did before, and I hope she gets the help she needs, and comes of social all together, because let's face it, it's no good for anyone.
Nov 21, 2023
Sorry but I refuse to believe anybody would come on here and blindly defend somebody without reading at least 10/20 pages of the thread first, defending them in such a way to insult people with genuine concern for a child and decide she’s actually the t we all said she is just because she got blocked by her. Dumb story…do better.
Whoever said I never read any of the thread? I read some, and a lot of it came across as bitching and cruelness, especially over her choice of income. I also never said I thought she was a t because of blocking me, just that I didn't understand why anyone would choose to block someone who, for the most part, was sticking up for her. I don't regret doing so, or giving her the benefit of the doubt, just that I've now come across as a mug.