Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 12, 2023
Did she say it’s been a whole year since she last saw the kids? And she’s only been “clean” (we know you’re not, Lou) for 4 months? She didn’t bother trying for 8 months!! How is that “fighting for ma kids”
Pretty sure she saw her kids the other day as she took some bits round to her mom's I think it was

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
I dont even think making her watch her stories back will make her see what we see sadly, I honestly think one or both of them are going to end up dead, looking through her insta even a few months ago she looked better than she does now! Her key workers etc must see what we see surly as they will see people relaps and lie all the time,
Drugs and lies go hand in hand and I can't stand both to be honest, she is just getting worse, lou we know you read here just be honest and go ask for help before something does really happen and not in one of your "story time lou lies" you say we are being mean and nasty to you but we are not really we are telling the truth with what you show us

Why buy a plate for a child that's been adopted has she forgot that bit? And asking what to put on the tablet- all abit strange as what's a plate and a tablet going to do for a baby?!

No one wins here except the drug dealer, they take so much more from people then money, they take that person away from their families they take their home the kids, their self respect and alot of the time their lives, its heartbreaking but its a choice but that choice shouldn't be available but that's another story

Call me Karen

Apr 16, 2023
For the folk saying she needs to hit rock bottom.... is this not rock bottom? If this was my life I'm pretty sure after this the only way would be up? Couldn't get any lower. She's scum of the earth. She thinks just because she isn't injecting heroin into her arm she can say she isn't on drugs. Yet she is clearly taking so many pills to make her the way she is like that. I've never seen anyone who takes any menkle elf medication appear how she does. She's been taking her actual prescribed tablets a while now, they wouldn't have this sedative effect any more. She thinks we are all as brain dead as her. Absolutely hilarious She's spouting about working with cleaning brands. She can't even clean her mouth the grotty skank.
May 29, 2023
When I was on drugs this was a common symptom, when I was absuing too much.
I would foam at the mouth, I'd wake up with it all over my face.

It's like looking at part of old me when I see stuff of lou.
Except I got and stayed clean, because I wanted to. I see no drive in her at all
We do recover 😍👏🏼 well done you hardest but most rewarding job I’ve done 🫶🏻
Apr 30, 2023
For the folk saying she needs to hit rock bottom.... is this not rock bottom? If this was my life I'm pretty sure after this the only way would be up? Couldn't get any lower. She's scum of the earth. She thinks just because she isn't injecting heroin into her arm she can say she isn't on drugs. Yet she is clearly taking so many pills to make her the way she is like that. I've never seen anyone who takes any menkle elf medication appear how she does. She's been taking her actual prescribed tablets a while now, they wouldn't have this sedative effect any more. She thinks we are all as brain dead as her. Absolutely hilarious She's spouting about working with cleaning brands. She can't even clean her mouth the grotty skank.
Rock bottom for me is when she's took so many drugs she's had to be carted off to hospital. And maybe, just maybe then she'll realise. Will it happen?, l doubt it.


May 11, 2023
Rock bottom for me is when she's took so many drugs she's had to be carted off to hospital. And maybe, just maybe then she'll realise. Will it happen?, l doubt it.
Yeah I definitely think she can go much lower than where she is now. She has a roof over her head, money (though she doesn't want us to believe that), and this faux recovery with some sort of memory and wanting of her children.

Granted, it looks bad now but things could get really grim.
Apr 16, 2023
I see Carol has commented on her latest self care post. She doesn't help Lou at all. In fact she is part of the issue here too. Lou needs to be left alone to cope with the life she's chosen so hopefully she then realises that there is a more positive outcome for herself IF she admits her failings and seeks the right help. Plus ditches Ste etc etc.
May 7, 2023
The chemical cut is coming along nicely Lou!! 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 just waiting for her to put a wig on her wish list soon. Can’t believe she’s spent money on more unnecessary crap that’s still going to make her look like a tramp, instead of buying food. Absolute joke, I work full time and can’t afford to ‘tweet maself’ as much as she does.
Probs cos we’ve got responsibilities, she’s got none! 🙄
May 11, 2023
Lou…..So many people offered you help and support but unless they could offer you drugs, money, red bull or electronics, you rejected it.

I’ve edited your pity party post in the hope you see it and maybe you’ll think about those innocent children and not yourself for once.

You’re so sad that some randoms have turned their back on you - think why Lou…. You can’t be helped.

Think how those kids must feel and will feel when they’re older and understand you turned on them to ‘mother’ a pathetic, druggy man child instead of them.

You make me sick.