Lou @Lifewithloux

mad cat lady

Apr 16, 2023
You should be able to see on the law pages what sentence he gets, you can sign up for a free account and search his name, Court and date and the sentence details should come up about half a hour after sentencing, hope that makes sense ladies as I've had a bad pain day and needed extra pain relief (which still doesn't make me act to lou 😜 I just seem to miss words out 🤣)
Jun 21, 2023
At the very start of his live, she said it to him several times and then he was like lou I’m live 💀she reckons it was a “joke” now
Pretty appalling thing to joke about, especially considering she has alleged that James had hit her
The bitterness pouring out of her re. Steve is so apparent!
In her eyes it's another month of him getting money and her not getting anything. But she will have her chocolate supply maintained so that's something