Lou @Lifewithloux

Aug 19, 2023
She’s been chucking pills down her neck like smarties the whole time. Makes a sheer mockery of her wacovawee scheme. That bungalow should be given to someone that’s actually trying to turn their life around doing the work.
She needs to be in a rehab clinic. Surely their support workers aren't alright with them hanging around each other either like she claims.


Oct 10, 2023
I've been lurking silently for the past few weeks but the carol vorderman circles have pushed me over the edge, I cannot cope!

I used to follow lou back in the day when she had 2 kids and used to brown nose Mrs Hinch and beg for things. I deleted insta as got fed up with it all and randomly a few weeks ago Lou popped into my head and I wondered what became of her... Well I would never have guessed this in a million years!

Can someone explain to me super briefly what happened with James and how she ever met Ste and got into this mess in the first place. Last time I watched her she was tidying up her kids toys and washing up her pots :(
Basically she posted a slightly snide status about me so I collated everything she'd ever said to me about all the degenerate s she'd ever done and sent it to James.
She lost her kids and went on a massive downward spiral and ended up where she is today.
You're welcome.
Screenshot from mine and James' messages attached.
(You're also welcome for the graveyard anal reveal, I dropped that one too)
May 23, 2023
I've been lurking silently for the past few weeks but the carol vorderman circles have pushed me over the edge, I cannot cope!

I used to follow lou back in the day when she had 2 kids and used to brown nose Mrs Hinch and beg for things. I deleted insta as got fed up with it all and randomly a few weeks ago Lou popped into my head and I wondered what became of her... Well I would never have guessed this in a million years!

Can someone explain to me super briefly what happened with James and how she ever met Ste and got into this mess in the first place. Last time I watched her she was tidying up her kids toys and washing up her pots :(
Drugs on top of her already dim, beggy self got us to this point I think mate x
Oct 16, 2023
Basically she posted a slightly snide status about me so I collated everything she'd ever said to me about all the degenerate s she'd ever done and sent it to James.
She lost her kids and went on a massive downward spiral and ended up where she is today.
You're welcome.
Screenshot from mine and James' messages attached.
So did she get on drugs when still with James and she had her kids in the house?
Apr 16, 2023
I've been lurking silently for the past few weeks but the carol vorderman circles have pushed me over the edge, I cannot cope!

I used to follow lou back in the day when she had 2 kids and used to brown nose Mrs Hinch and beg for things. I deleted insta as got fed up with it all and randomly a few weeks ago Lou popped into my head and I wondered what became of her... Well I would never have guessed this in a million years!

Can someone explain to me super briefly what happened with James and how she ever met Ste and got into this mess in the first place. Last time I watched her she was tidying up her kids toys and washing up her pots :(
James kicked her out and took the kids away (she had visitation rights)
Got addicted to crack and heroin
Had another kid which was taken away at birth
Lost rights to the other 2 kids
Been homeless several times
Now on some kind of recovery programme but still addicted to anti depressants, pain killers and nerve blockers
Spends her whole life begging online and crying about va twolls
Aug 29, 2023
She’s been chucking pills down her neck like smarties the whole time. Makes a sheer mockery of her wacovawee scheme. That bungalow should be given to someone that’s actually trying to turn their life around doing the work.
Exactly...I hope she loses it..she deserves to. A while ago she said her support worker set her a task and that was to strim or cut the grass. Has she got her fat arse out into the garden and done it? Has she do. Why? According to her cos she can't afford the £30 strimmer she wants from Amazon. Yet, she can get off her arse to go to the shop multiple times a day and can afford to buy 100 pre-gabs. Her street actually looks like a nice area, decent people in what look like probably privately owned houses. Imagine living by her...garden like a jungle. Seeing her dragging her manky self along the street with Ste power walking ahead of her cos even he's embarrassed to be seen with her 😳 I seen on 1 of her lives a while ago a woman walking by staring in her window...Lou shouts if your going to stare u could at least wave. Haha who would want to wave at that? Surely the people living near her must be putting complaints in left right and centre. I know if I lived next door with my kids like her neighbour does, she's the last person I'd want living beside me. So many would make that bungalow a home and not take it for granted like her!


Oct 10, 2023
James kicked her out and took the kids away (she had visitation rights)
Got addicted to crack and heroin
Had another kid which was taken away at birth
Lost rights to the other 2 kids
Been homeless several times
Now on some kind of recovery programme but still addicted to anti depressants, pain killers and nerve blockers
Spends her whole life begging online and crying about va twolls
I saw her smoking on her doorstep with the newest baby with a big pregnant belly as well as drinking with her neighbour and reported her to the social for that too. That's why she lost it the instant it was born.
Apr 16, 2023
I saw her smoking on her doorstep with the newest baby with a big pregnant belly as well as drinking with her neighbour and reported her to the social for that too. That's why she lost it the instant it was born.
That snide status hit deep huh? 😂

I get it though, I once barred a woman from the pub i worked in for drinking and smoking while pregnant. Disgusting behaviour


Oct 10, 2023
That snide status hit deep huh? 😂
Yes, because she more or less blamed me for the death of a mutual friend who died from overdose. He was close and it really actually did cut very deep.
For a bit of context, I was probably the first of all of us to try heroin... Though also the first to get clean and turn myself around.
Oct 16, 2023
She's been on drugs the entire time I've known her, since before she was with James... But before it was like, weed and legal highs. Mcat and such. She's always been on drugs.
Thanks for all the info. It all makes sense. Oh jeez, I feel bloody niave. I just thought she was rough as do. Are the kids living with James then I take it? What an utter mess she is.


Oct 10, 2023
Wow what a fish thing to do. I wouldn’t have made a joke about it if I had known it was that serious. My apologies ❤️
The most disgusting thing about it was that nobody had found out she was on it yet at the time and she acted like she'd tried to help everyone.
"I was there for you, one of my closest friends" etc
She fing abandoned us when we struggled and now she's the one that's struggling she expects us to be sympathetic?
She's disgusting


Oct 10, 2023
Thanks for all the info. It all makes sense. Oh jeez, I feel bloody niave. I just thought she was rough as do. Are the kids living with James then I take it? What an utter mess she is.
The ones she had with James, he has full time custody of and as far as I'm aware she isn't even allowed visitation anymore.
Apr 16, 2023
The most disgusting thing about it was that nobody had found out she was on it yet at the time and she acted like she'd tried to help everyone.
"I was there for you, one of my closest friends" etc
She fing abandoned us when we struggled and now she's the one that's struggling she expects us to be sympathetic?
She's disgusting
Are you one of the people she was arguing with over the man from the documentary that passed away?