Lou @Lifewithloux

Apr 17, 2023
Is Ste off his face on a live?
He said he has taken his meds so he doesn't get angry with her plus his methadone. Looks off his face tbh along with being deflated due to something she said. They need to stay away from each other and focus on their own selves individually. Absolutely crazy.
Apr 16, 2023
Genuinely upsetting to see someone who says she’s learning makaton because she wants to work with SEN children behave so disgustingly to people with additional needs. Zero compassion and patience, the one thing anyone going into that line of work needs. Not that anyones going to let her near kids at all and I don’t blame them but boils my piss none the less.
She will never work let alone anywere near kids, she's not clean and NEVER will be she's a lazy fat waste of space
Apr 16, 2023
What did lou say to ste in his live that's upset him so much. He said she's ripped his soul out and she's singing away like nothings happened whilst ste kinda just looks so deflated
She told him he wasn't there for her and alfie and hes took that as hes a bad dad, so he went off it, then he said hes got the report from ss that basically states lou wasn't great so she's kicked off, she doesn't like the truth, she's off her face and thats more than meth and pregabs