Lou @Lifewithloux

Jun 21, 2023
I'll never get that hour back again!.

Did l believe her on what's she's going to change in her life?. Let's just say hell will have to freeze over first.

And l think she'll be worse if Ste goes down. I hope I'm wrong, but l think she depends on him too much.
She did sound a bit convincing at points. I'm not falling for it, but I can kind of understand how she does manipulate people into feeling sorry for her, getting them thinking she's taking advice but really just wanting what she can get out of them.
I believe a few people on here have had experience with "supporting her" , meaning well, only to realise she was playing them .

I had hoped that the live would have had more focus on trying to convince her gifters to not hand over one more pound

Sadly I think all that's happened is she's managed to further convince her supporters she's genuine and will more than likely be in their inboxes sourcing next week's supply of takeaway, red bull and cigarettes
May 7, 2023
It’s been a long month, how the eff is still 11 months clean from class A’s? I feel like she’s been saying that the last 8 weeks 😂
Ngl I don’t see her changing her tune, the PayPal might come down for a few days but she’ll move over insta abd it’ll go back up along with a wish list.
There was zero fs given, she wasn’t arsed at all and kept deflecting to have a go at Ste or passing the blame as per!
She defo admitted that Ste’s the one that scores the pills for her did anyone else notice that! When Niki said you’ll lose Ste getting you pills when he goes away she said “yeah I know” if he goes down, she’ll be finding her replacement Bf to go score for her i reckon.
Waste of time but well done for trying Niki x


May 11, 2023
Lou doing her usual sorry face, you can tell she don't give a single do. This ain't her first rodeo. How many times has this happened? This is just part of her usual cycle.

I strongly believe nothings going to change for her, this is her from here on out.

Blaming all this on James, too. She'll never admit it was her own doing. Lost cause. Give the resource to someone who deserves it.