1000% agree about her support workers, it's clear to us who watch through a screen that her place is a dump and getting worse, she looks incredibly unhealthy, always saying she has some kind of ailment, no motivation to do anything productive and isn't capable of looking after herself. Support workers need to be brutally honest to give her the kick up the arse she needs, rather than praising her for the smallest thing that a young child could do.Well me personally thinks her support workers are s, they go every 1 or 2 weeks ,she's had that bungalow for quite some time and if anything Lou and her s pit have got worse, whatever there saying to her is not working, it should be if no improvement kicked off scheme and put elsewhere, and by them seeing the state she lives in she should definitely not be allowed pets, and if they were decent workers they wouldn't fall for her s and report it, and if she thinks by getting eyebrows and tan make her look better sorry to say Lou it doesn't, you still look scruffy, you still live in a sess pit, your still bone idle and you are still neglecting them cats and their needs should be put before your own any decent pet owner knows that
She should really be in shared housing (kinda feel bad for other occupants though) and assessed on a daily basis.
I never understood why she got put in what looked like a lovely, spacious 2 bed bungalow, when it was highly unlikely she'd have access to her kids, she barely uses any other room other than a dumping ground, a lovely garden many would dream of. A bedsit would've been perfect for her.