Sabrinaandmygirls SabrinaJamieandLogan

Jun 8, 2023
33 years married today! He’s a patient good man lol and listens to my ravings 😂

Congratulations to you both!

Episode 5 Drinking GIF by The Bachelor
Jun 8, 2023
Forget about a day at the Port, this is the place to be! 🤣

I was going to say if she went further than 100 miles of her own house she would be upping the begging to go there, but she is so self absorbed she wouldnt want to be with others with reborns as some are bound to have nicer/better ones and she couldnt hack that
May 5, 2024
Northern ireland
I was watching the live aswell and I saw that. Totally agree things like that are wrong. Anything we say is against her and the stuff she has done since then. And all of us have said what happened to her was tragic and terrible and feel sympathy for her in that aspect.
We don’t agree with her actions after the event. Using it for profit and attention is just wrong. Also all her money borrowing and not paying back and the things she has said about others.
Don’t think it came from here but it could have come after her comments about that wee angels grave at Greenhill. She offended a lot of people with her words.
May 6, 2024
She just can’t accept that she isn’t well liked, and she only has herself to blame for that. We are a very very small group of people in here. Her tik tok is open for anyone to see, and she will piss off most people who watch her. Not to mention people she has personally attacked. Why does she keep blaming it all on this one little site!
Jun 8, 2023
Why does she keep blaming it all on this one little site!

Because we are here, we are static. Alllllll the people who dont like her over the past 12+ years are transient. She blocks the ones who post on her TikTok account, the rest no longer speak to her whether its online or real life. She rages about us because she can, it is something tangible to direct her animosity at, however misguided that is, she doesnt care, she is too self absorbed to even realise