Wow that was a quick fall
all because he's not that wee 19yr old she can bully & he demoded her lol .. So many things I could say about that rant but my God she is one massive contradiction, slated him for sitting behind the blue curtain? He was a 19 year old child, how was he meant to deal with it. He was there that was something & how dare she slate him for drinking the next day, while he cried, he's entitled to deal with his grief how ever he feels. She's one to throw up about cutting his arm she has a routine of calling an ambulance every other weekend. If he was in jail for Dv where's the receipts? Surely it would be on record somewhere? I feel like you both were immature and maybe did hit one another? ... She juiced him for information and now has turned on him & using everything to throw at him. If he was looking her back surely she has texts or screen shots as proof lol ...Rocky /Ivan trust me you've had a very lucky escape, well done for seeing her for what she is , an ex is an ex for a reason, good luck