She’s so incredibly patronising! She needs drastic mental health therapy. She HAS to feel more important and ‘above’ everybody! Saying “I’m so proud of you, well done” to Kaz! Sevda, you act like she’s a child or someone you’ve trained or coached! Kaz is an incredible lady with way more talent, intelligence and personality than you! She also, unlike you, has a genuine heart to reach out and give back into a worthy cause. She dresses amazingly, has a great relationship with her partner and has come through 2 bouts of cancer, with a ‘thriving’ attitude & mentality and has set up an incredible project to give back and help others. Sevda you should be saying “I admire you Kaz”. Stop everything being about YOU and giving people your stamp of approval on what they do. I’m sure you dream about being
invited to cut ribbons at grand openings! You need real help in getting a reality check. I almost am embarrassed for you - how self obsessed you are in living a fantasy life of fame. Why could you just go along to the event and just let Kaz be on camera explaining her cause for others to know without introducing her like you’ve been her mentor and you’re “so proud of her”! Just stop it. You’re making yourself look even more of a fool & idiot.