Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 4, 2024
I’m not even being mean guys 🙄 if I came across this account, without even looking at the content I would think ladyboy 1000% the face on that!! I don’t even know if that’s a tan or her skin colour. Never seen anything more 🤮🤢


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Mar 8, 2024
I’m not even being mean guys 🙄 if I came across this account, without even looking at the content I would think ladyboy 1000% the face on that!! I don’t even know if that’s a tan or her skin colour. Never seen anything more 🤮🤢
Absolutely looks like she’s had balls and Willy swapped for baps and flaps. 100% so manly looking
Mar 8, 2024
Sevda, you eat VERY odd combinations of food at home and slop chili sawwwwwce or peri-peri sawwwwve or big dollops of yogurt…and sometimes all 3 on top, none of which compliment the foods to the eye of a real ‘foodie’….but you like it! Good job “all of us aren’t the ones eating it, right?!!”

SO…that is why you cannot understand proper ‘foodies’, who have an eye and GOOD taste buds that appreciate what foods are and what goes with them and how they SHOULD be cooked ….are not feeling the ‘yummy’ vibe when looking at that buffet and especially seeing what YOU load up on your plate! Looks a disgusting combination…because that is how YOU eat normally…disgusting combinations and traditional dishes not cooked how they should be! Take for instance, YOUR lasagna, YOUR roast dinners, YOUR version of the Turkish pasta with white sawwwwce dish, etc, etc.. I’m sorry (kind of) to inform you but you cook them all to a very low standard compared to the rest of most people! You don’t use good ingredients ..and you leave out some essential ingredients and you cook things too long often. You also add a ton of cheese to dishes that do NOT have any cheese normally and you ruin the flavour of the dish! Or you add way too much cheese covering up what I see is a bland version of a traditional dish. I think that’s why you do it! If it was properly cooked and all the ingredients that should be used were added and you didn’t over cook …then you wouldn’t maybe be adding a block of grated cheese! I say all this…..but let’s also remember you hardly cook! It’s mostly takeaway foods, frozen foods or quick boring ole’ rice, chicken drumsticks and a very basic salad of a few slices of tomato, cucumber and lemon juice!

SO, the reason basically why you just cannot understand why some people looking at all that buffet food layed out are put off…is because it’s been mass produced so not all the ingredients and quality of veg will have been considered and used…a lot of ingredients will have been left out to make it cheaper. Also, it’s kind of off-putting ….seeing it layed out there for so long. Even you admitted you were not going to chance eating the prawns that had been sitting out! Nothing like fresh food straight from the oven and stoves in a restaurant.

Also, it’s worrying seeing the same dishes put out day in, day out. I’ve also heard from someone who worked in the kitchens of an all inclusive that some dishes ARE put out again the next day, based on how long they were left out the previous day. A big NO-NO in my books, even if they are cold dishes!

I’m not saying buffet food is all bad and I’ve had buffet breakfasts plenty of times abroad and the breakfasts are often pretty good as long as all those slices of cheeses on display do NOT look SWEATY! The video you put up of breakfast unfortunately showed… did NOT pass the cheese test…they all looked ‘sweaty’ and some displays of sliced cheeses were drying out around the edges and sweaty looking in the middle! A big no-no! Also, sometimes if our girls were shattered when young, on the rare occasion to be just quick, we’ve gone along and stuck to basic foods.

However, for the most part, now the girls stay up with us late, we don’t tend to do the buffet dinners at all inclusives. IF we choose to stay at an all inclusive for a holiday, we go with friends, their kids and our kids and we choose one that has several restaurants on site to choose from as well as the normal buffet, so we either choose a restaurant on site or we go out off the resort to a restaurant and enjoy the atmosphere of where we are on holiday! Doesn’t mean we necessarily eat a 4 course expensive meal every night…not at all..but we enjoy soaking up the atmosphere with a well cooked traditional meal with fresh ingredients and served up straight from the kitchen (not been standing around on display) or even a freshly made pizza baked in a stone baked oven with a really good fresh salad and sides of olives and other tapas bits. Then we have an ice-cream or traditional sweet treat, walking around after.

So, try and understand Sevda…I know it’s hard for you…but hopefully you will have a little bit more of an idea why not everyone loves an all inclusive buffet dinner as much as you.
Very well put

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Gosh this forum is great. Do you think she reads any of this. She still struts around like she owns TikTok
Yes the w does she has addressed many things what have been put in here and tattle 😂😂 but in her smug way making out it is not bothering her when everyone and the pope knows it is 😂😂😂😂 she is constantly on her phone up all hours reading and then deleting and blocking comments in her comment section 😂😂😂 she never interacts with anyone unless it’s a “friend or family”