Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Just saw this. What in the actual do? Why on earth would the Beg need to employ Kukoo as her accountant? Kukoo was a management accountant what 30 years ago? Hasn’t worked a day since she qualified. Extremely dodgy family, hope tax department catch up with them.
Have reported them so let’s hope something gets done, if they all want to act high and mighty making out they better then anyone I hope they have clean closets lol 😂
Mar 2, 2024
Not Sev making out like she’s some enlightened foodie that appreciates a vawiety of everyfink. Sit the do down and shut up, you t. As if she’s this adventurous eater. Considering the large vawiety, what has she shown herself eating really? Breads, dips, salads, chicken, lamb, eggs and sweets. Same old crap she eats at home even though the breakfast buffet had other interesting things on it, she stuck to eggs.


May 6, 2024
Can we talk about how both her and that tank have been giving bad reviews for almost every second food option not only in Tunisia but in the airport as well… Like, what’re they even going on about? Don’t they eat frozen food cooked in the airfwyaaaa 99% of the time…
Yes!! Frozen foods and sloppy takeaways. They act like they are Michelin star reviewers 🤣🤣 Yet they eat quite the opposite of Michelin quality meals at home!!!


Aug 27, 2024
Not Sev making out like she’s some enlightened foodie that appreciates a vawiety of everyfink. Sit the do down and shut up, you t. As if she’s this adventurous eater. Considering the large vawiety, what has she shown herself eating really? Breads, dips, salads, chicken, lamb, eggs and sweets. Same old crap she eats at home even though the breakfast buffet had other interesting things on it, she stuck to eggs.
So that she could have the poor little omlit man make her an omlit, knowing she was down for bweakfast with just minutes to spare,she still chose an omlit with ALL the fillings - it had evewyfink in it guuuuuyyyzzzz’ - and so she could brag how she was the highlight of his day and the poor man desperate for a tip off her (so she could do a sad gaze into the distance of how sowwwy she fewt for him) Would be kinder not make him late from his shift/ or next task really. If I’d been him I’d have tipped HER to do off!!!!!! She was probs there too, irritating him with that screechy weird cackle


May 6, 2024
Just cus there variety doesn’t mean it’s nice. Just cus you would eat hot turds on toast doesn’t mean everyone will. The food looks s. As do you sevda. You and your s hair, your s personality and overall general stiness. You’re a s person. Have a good day guyyssss hope you slept wew.
Sevda, you eat VERY odd combinations of food at home and slop chili sawwwwwce or peri-peri sawwwwve or big dollops of yogurt…and sometimes all 3 on top, none of which compliment the foods to the eye of a real ‘foodie’….but you like it! Good job “all of us aren’t the ones eating it, right?!!”

SO…that is why you cannot understand proper ‘foodies’, who have an eye and GOOD taste buds that appreciate what foods are and what goes with them and how they SHOULD be cooked ….are not feeling the ‘yummy’ vibe when looking at that buffet and especially seeing what YOU load up on your plate! Looks a disgusting combination…because that is how YOU eat normally…disgusting combinations and traditional dishes not cooked how they should be! Take for instance, YOUR lasagna, YOUR roast dinners, YOUR version of the Turkish pasta with white sawwwwce dish, etc, etc.. I’m sorry (kind of) to inform you but you cook them all to a very low standard compared to the rest of most people! You don’t use good ingredients ..and you leave out some essential ingredients and you cook things too long often. You also add a ton of cheese to dishes that do NOT have any cheese normally and you ruin the flavour of the dish! Or you add way too much cheese covering up what I see is a bland version of a traditional dish. I think that’s why you do it! If it was properly cooked and all the ingredients that should be used were added and you didn’t over cook …then you wouldn’t maybe be adding a block of grated cheese! I say all this…..but let’s also remember you hardly cook! It’s mostly takeaway foods, frozen foods or quick boring ole’ rice, chicken drumsticks and a very basic salad of a few slices of tomato, cucumber and lemon juice!

SO, the reason basically why you just cannot understand why some people looking at all that buffet food layed out are put off…is because it’s been mass produced so not all the ingredients and quality of veg will have been considered and used…a lot of ingredients will have been left out to make it cheaper. Also, it’s kind of off-putting ….seeing it layed out there for so long. Even you admitted you were not going to chance eating the prawns that had been sitting out! Nothing like fresh food straight from the oven and stoves in a restaurant.

Also, it’s worrying seeing the same dishes put out day in, day out. I’ve also heard from someone who worked in the kitchens of an all inclusive that some dishes ARE put out again the next day, based on how long they were left out the previous day. A big NO-NO in my books, even if they are cold dishes!

I’m not saying buffet food is all bad and I’ve had buffet breakfasts plenty of times abroad and the breakfasts are often pretty good as long as all those slices of cheeses on display do NOT look SWEATY! The video you put up of breakfast unfortunately showed… did NOT pass the cheese test…they all looked ‘sweaty’ and some displays of sliced cheeses were drying out around the edges and sweaty looking in the middle! A big no-no! Also, sometimes if our girls were shattered when young, on the rare occasion to be just quick, we’ve gone along and stuck to basic foods.

However, for the most part, now the girls stay up with us late, we don’t tend to do the buffet dinners at all inclusives. IF we choose to stay at an all inclusive for a holiday, we go with friends, their kids and our kids and we choose one that has several restaurants on site to choose from as well as the normal buffet, so we either choose a restaurant on site or we go out off the resort to a restaurant and enjoy the atmosphere of where we are on holiday! Doesn’t mean we necessarily eat a 4 course expensive meal every night…not at all..but we enjoy soaking up the atmosphere with a well cooked traditional meal with fresh ingredients and served up straight from the kitchen (not been standing around on display) or even a freshly made pizza baked in a stone baked oven with a really good fresh salad and sides of olives and other tapas bits. Then we have an ice-cream or traditional sweet treat, walking around after.

So, try and understand Sevda…I know it’s hard for you…but hopefully you will have a little bit more of an idea why not everyone loves an all inclusive buffet dinner as much as you.
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Aug 19, 2024
What’s wrong with her ears? They don’t look right to me. 😟

Watching her speak this morning and seeing how huge that horrid tongue of hers is, she pokes it out often enough to just leave it between her teeth and breathe out, that way she could easily learn to speak properly and say thought instead of fort, three instead of free, think instead of fink etc. It’s not hard once you know how.
Someone asked her the other day why she doesn’t ever wear earrings and her reply was that she can’t because she always has problems with earrings.


Mar 2, 2024
On holiday in Toonisiah walking round a fing shopping centre showing the front of every single fing shop. Is this the influencer's content? Showing the placard that tells you where each shop is located like it's something groundbreaking. First place she shows three guesses the fing food court. Does she actually realise that her whole sad pathetic life revolves around food the fat t.

We gunna go wound the mall and enjoy it. The only thing you're going to enjoy are those fwee spreads you've probably just wet your dirty knickers over.

Why these hand movements? If I ever got hold of that index finger I'd rip it off and shove it up that massive arse of hers.


  • VID_20240913_171916~2.mp4
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May 6, 2024
Christ on a bike!!!! WHY is she videoing them going around a mall???!!!!!!


She’s showing each shop name as she walks along and the mall guide!

She actually says (in a monotone voice) “There are lots of shops in here” WTF!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 It’s a mall Sevda!!

My staff have just put the video on the big screen in our office! They’re rollin’ laughing!
It’s on repeat! She sounds truly losing the plot!!

Come on Sevda, look at how desperate you are!!!! Do you really think showing shop names and a fast food, food court is riveting content????

Do you really think showing us a biscuit jar and chopping board you want is exciting content???

You clearly ARE losing the plot!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just TRY and NOT video basic normal things Sevda for one day! You are more & more looking like you are DESPERATE FOR ANY CONTENT no matter how DUMB it is!!!!

Seriously, you are taking COMEDY GOLD to a whole new level now!!! The only people who’ll like this are your couple of hundred total numbskull followers! The rest of us find it hilarious! Perhaps you don’t mind what your reputation is known for these days and you are building on that! Comedy gold!

We’ll be all watching you visit the ladies toilets next. You’ll be sat on a toilet showing us the toilet roll holder and matching loo brush! 🤣🤣🤣

I seriously wouldn’t put it past you!
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Aug 27, 2024
Christ on a bike!!!! WHY is she videoing them going around a mall???!!!!!!


She’s showing each shop and the mall guide!

She actually says “There are lots of shops in here” !!!! WTF!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

My staff have just put it on the big screen in our office! They’re rollin’ laughing!

Come on Sevda, look at his desperate you are!!!! Do you really think showing shop names and a fast food, food court is riveting content????

You clearly ARE losing the plot!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wtf, wtaf!!!!! Showing us shops we have here in uk - there’s a Burger King guuuuuyyyyyzzzzz - I avoid those places like the plague as it is, hate them, I don’t need a ‘creator/influencer’ showing me how s they are!!!!!! Ffs I go on holiday (and havent for about 3 years) to see new things!!!! Relax by the sea, take in lovely scenery. Wtf is wrong with her???


May 6, 2024
Wtf, wtaf!!!!! Showing us shops we have here in uk - there’s a Burger King guuuuuyyyyyzzzzz - I avoid those places like the plague as it is, hate them, I don’t need a ‘creator/influencer’ showing me how s they are!!!!!! Ffs I go on holiday (and havent for about 3 years) to see new things!!!! Relax by the sea, take in lovely scenery. Wtf is wrong with her???
And she is more & more talking very slowly these days, leaving big pauses between words like she’s having trouble pronouncing or reading a script!…using a monotone voice which makes her sound even thicker!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

“Hello everybody, me and Mine have come to the Mall…of….Sousse” (note the big pauses between words)🤣🤣


The very next shot, she holds the camera outside the mall showing the name and says…

“Here we go, Mall…..of…Sousse” (slowly with big pauses!) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Christ on a bike!!!! WHY is she videoing them going around a mall???!!!!!!


She’s showing each shop name as she walks along and the mall guide!

She actually says (in a monotone voice) “There are lots of shops in here” WTF!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 It’s a mall Sevda!!

My staff have just put the video on the big screen in our office! They’re rollin’ laughing!
It’s on repeat! She sounds truly losing the plot!!

Come on Sevda, look at how desperate you are!!!! Do you really think showing shop names and a fast food, food court is riveting content????

Do you really think showing us a biscuit jar and chopping board you want is exciting content???

You clearly ARE losing the plot!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Just TRY and NOT video basic normal things Sevda for one day! You are more & more looking like you are DESPERATE FOR ANY CONTENT no matter how DUMB it is!!!!

Seriously, you are taking COMEDY GOLD to a whole new level now!!! The only people who’ll like this are your couple of hundred total numbskull followers! The rest of us find it hilarious! Perhaps you don’t mind what your reputation is known for these days and you are building on that! Comedy gold!

We’ll be all watching you visit the ladies toilets next. You’ll be sat on a toilet showing us the toilet roll holder and matching loo brush! 🤣🤣🤣

I seriously wouldn’t put it past you!
Love this and also find it
Spit Take Lol GIF by Justin
Mar 3, 2024
Sevda, you eat VERY odd combinations of food at home and slop chili sawwwwwce or peri-peri sawwwwve or big dollops of yogurt…and sometimes all 3 on top, none of which compliment the foods to the eye of a real ‘foodie’….but you like it! Good job “all of us aren’t the ones eating it, right?!!”

SO…that is why you cannot understand proper ‘foodies’, who have an eye and GOOD taste buds that appreciate what foods are and what goes with them and how they SHOULD be cooked ….are not feeling the ‘yummy’ vibe when looking at that buffet and especially seeing what YOU load up on your plate! Looks a disgusting combination…because that is how YOU eat normally…disgusting combinations and traditional dishes not cooked how they should be! Take for instance, YOUR lasagna, YOUR roast dinners, YOUR version of the Turkish pasta with white sawwwwce dish, etc, etc.. I’m sorry (kind of) to inform you but you cook them all to a very low standard compared to the rest of most people! You don’t use good ingredients ..and you leave out some essential ingredients and you cook things too long often. You also add a ton of cheese to dishes that do NOT have any cheese normally and you ruin the flavour of the dish! Or you add way too much cheese covering up what I see is a bland version of a traditional dish. I think that’s why you do it! If it was properly cooked and all the ingredients that should be used were added and you didn’t over cook …then you wouldn’t maybe be adding a block of grated cheese! I say all this…..but let’s also remember you hardly cook! It’s mostly takeaway foods, frozen foods or quick boring ole’ rice, chicken drumsticks and a very basic salad of a few slices of tomato, cucumber and lemon juice!

SO, the reason basically why you just cannot understand why some people looking at all that buffet food layed out are put off…is because it’s been mass produced so not all the ingredients and quality of veg will have been considered and used…a lot of ingredients will have been left out to make it cheaper. Also, it’s kind of off-putting ….seeing it layed out there for so long. Even you admitted you were not going to chance eating the prawns that had been sitting out! Nothing like fresh food straight from the oven and stoves in a restaurant.

Also, it’s worrying seeing the same dishes put out day in, day out. I’ve also heard from someone who worked in the kitchens of an all inclusive that some dishes ARE put out again the next day, based on how long they were left out the previous day. A big NO-NO in my books, even if they are cold dishes!

I’m not saying buffet food is all bad and I’ve had buffet breakfasts plenty of times abroad and the breakfasts are often pretty good as long as all those slices of cheeses on display do NOT look SWEATY! The video you put up of breakfast unfortunately showed… did NOT pass the cheese test…they all looked ‘sweaty’ and some displays of sliced cheeses were drying out around the edges and sweaty looking in the middle! A big no-no! Also, sometimes if our girls were shattered when young, on the rare occasion to be just quick, we’ve gone along and stuck to basic foods.

However, for the most part, now the girls stay up with us late, we don’t tend to do the buffet dinners at all inclusives. IF we choose to stay at an all inclusive for a holiday, we go with friends, their kids and our kids and we choose one that has several restaurants on site to choose from as well as the normal buffet, so we either choose a restaurant on site or we go out off the resort to a restaurant and enjoy the atmosphere of where we are on holiday! Doesn’t mean we necessarily eat a 4 course expensive meal every night…not at all..but we enjoy soaking up the atmosphere with a well cooked traditional meal with fresh ingredients and served up straight from the kitchen (not been standing around on display) or even a freshly made pizza baked in a stone baked oven with a really good fresh salad and sides of olives and other tapas bits. Then we have an ice-cream or traditional sweet treat, walking around after.

So, try and understand Sevda…I know it’s hard for you…but hopefully you will have a little bit more of an idea why not everyone loves an all inclusive buffet dinner as much as you.