Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 1, 2024
Yes it’s totally wrong if you’re craving for male attention when you’re already married. The best move for her would be to divorce sedat, share custody of Ela (not be a b and stop sedat from seeing Ela), deal with her own issues, be happy with herself and then slowly get back out and start dating but this time take your time and meet someone whom you truly love for the right reasons. It sounds simple I know it’s not but she’s still young and she’s got the rest of her life ahead of her. Not once has she mentioned she misses her kid or husband but even if she did it’s for TT show. Edited as I chose the wrong words
I genuinely don’t think her and Sedat can confide in each other or have any depth to their relationship… She’s even said at times she’d rather talk to her TikTok followers than Sedat and I actually believe it… TikTok gives her validation and attention where it’s lacking in her own life
Mar 2, 2024
You can clearly tell the beg has never ever been away on a girls holiday in her teens and had a cheeky kiss in a club. She has to point out the smallest things like men being complimentary or wanting her sisters phone number. She really is living her youth now, well guess what beg you should have done all of that living when you were younger and truly experienced life cos then you won’t be so naive now
She’s a married woman. An adult who is Jealous of Young Lasses, so she’s trying to be one! If she was Truly happily married she wouldn’t need another man to compliment her and she definitely wouldn’t be posting it on TikTok for the whole world to see! If she was happily married she would be shouting his name from the rooftops. Always thought she was a tramp but this Holiday has absolutely reiterated that she definitely is one and would definitely be up for it with anyone who pays her attention. If she got drunk on this holiday,she would definitely be throwing her knickers around. 1 million%


Mar 1, 2024
I agree. If the way she is now is anything to go by when Sedat first flirted with her, then it’s easy to see how she sadly hooked up with him. She’s the DESPERATE kind …needy for marriage and a child, she hooked up with someone, anyone…who showed an interest (needed a passport or visa).

Very sad. Now she craves attention for what she really desires… a man to love her for her looks & personality…and for her to love a man she desires sexually AND personality (including him having no mental issues and him being fun, interesting and talkative!).

Problem is she thinks any attention given to her now is because of her looks and personality..when it’s not even attraction, just someone being nice or simply smiling!

There is also a second problem Sevda…you are already married and you won’t leave him. You’ll be with Sedat for life. That’s why you create a fantasy life in your head…total unreality.

And that’s why you resent and bully Sedat. You’re angry deep down with your life with him.

Suck it up buttercup!
She wanted to get married and have a child so she could tick off things she felt socially obligated to do… She 100% is the type to feel smug compared to other people (like her sister) that she’s married and has a kid.
Apr 15, 2024
Can you remember her saying before sedat she nearly married this guy but found out he only wanted a visa, I wonder if she is actually talking about sedat, and changed the story
I remember that but she lies about everything so much so she might’ve made it up but at the time she said it I thought it sounded genuine, who knows.


May 6, 2024
Yes it’s totally wrong if you’re craving for male attention when you’re already married. The best move for her would be to divorce sedat, share custody of Ela (not be a b and stop sedat from seeing Ela), deal with her own issues, be happy with herself and then slowly get back out and start dating but this time take your time and meet someone whom you truly love for the right reasons. It sounds simple I know it’s not but she’s still young and she’s got the rest of her life ahead of her. Not once has she mentioned she misses her kid or husband but even if she did it’s for TT show. Edited as I chose the wrong words
I agree. She can still divorce, be amicable towards Sedat seeing Ela and all else you mentioned.

Also, if Sevda divorced, Ela can grow up without seeing a poor example of marriage. She’d be better off seeing her parents truly happy as individuals and eventually settled with people they truly love and are happy with. THAT then can stand her a chance of finding the right partner for life herself, if that’s something she wants eventually.

It’s just a matter of time before Ela will recognise a difference between her parents interaction and the interaction of other parents.
Mar 3, 2024
Lay with fleas get bit by fleas and he surly did lol
Either way he came in this country dodgy but to keep in the UK he married that lol 😂 can say he probably never went on top when doing the deed,it would of been like on a tramp (which she is) oline 😂😂😂😂 so this is where doormat came in with the turkey 🦃 (as she loves turkey 🇹🇷 ) baster 😂😂😂
OMG! This reminds of a reality show here in the US called Smothered. It's about daughters and their weird relationships with their moms. One duo has the daughter who was married to another woman and they were trying to get pregnant vis artificial insemination. Behind the wife's back, her mom used the turkey baster on her daughter. It's wild.


Mar 4, 2024
I’ve never had weight lost surgery but I can only assume this is true. Correct me anyone if I’m wrong.

I used to be size 14 and lost all my weight to size 6 now. (IVF and 3 kids) Only with walking, lifting weights, a lot and I mean a lot of heavy weight lifting. Cardio and strength training.

I have absolutely no saggy skin.

I’m pretty sure begda HAD SURGERY because the only way you sag the way she does with all those loose skin is the affect of surgery. Surgery targets only the part that they’ve worked on and that is the gut! All the weight lost then turns into (loose) fat

If she lost it the way she claims she has by going to the gym 5 days a week (bullshit) she wouldn’t look the way she does now!
Apr 15, 2024
I agree. She can still divorce, be amicable towards Sedat seeing Ela and all else you mentioned.

Also, if Sevda divorced, Ela can grow up without seeing a poor example of marriage. She’d be better off seeing her parents truly happy as individuals and eventually settled with people they truly love and are happy with. THAT then can stand her a chance of finding the right partner for life herself, if that’s something she wants eventually.

It’s just a matter of time before Ela will recognise a difference between her parents interaction and the interaction of other parents.
It’s sad all around. As much as sev probably wants to get out of the marriage I think sedat is quite comfortable, he’s a got a home, a job, a daughter, food cooked for him each day, washing done etc so he’s got a lot to lose. If it means putting up with the nagging he’ll just stay but there will come a time where sev will snap and just tell him she wants out, subtle signs are already there anyway


Mar 1, 2024
You can clearly tell the beg has never ever been away on a girls holiday in her teens and had a cheeky kiss in a club. She has to point out the smallest things like men being complimentary or wanting her sisters phone number. She really is living her youth now, well guess what beg you should have done all of that living when you were younger and truly experienced life cos then you won’t be so naive now
She definitely didn’t do much when she was a teenager or in her 20s did she 😂 Massively sheltered vibes


Mar 1, 2024
It’s sad all around. As much as sev probably wants to get out of the marriage I think sedat is quite comfortable, he’s a got a home, a job, a daughter, food cooked for him each day, washing done etc so he’s got a lot to lose. If it means putting up with the nagging he’ll just stay but there will come a time where sev will snap and just tell him she wants out, subtle signs are already there anyway
Not to mention divorce is still frowned upon in Turkish culture (as in many cultures still) and he’ll not want to lose access to seeing Ela
Mar 3, 2024
Yes it’s totally wrong if you’re craving for male attention when you’re already married. The best move for her would be to divorce sedat, share custody of Ela (not be a b and stop sedat from seeing Ela), deal with her own issues, be happy with herself and then slowly get back out and start dating but this time take your time and meet someone whom you truly love for the right reasons. It sounds simple I know it’s not but she’s still young and she’s got the rest of her life ahead of her. Not once has she mentioned she misses her kid or husband but even if she did it’s for TT show. Edited as I chose the wrong words
Sadly she needs to seriously work on improving her narc personality. She doesn't deserve anyone in her life until she deals with that.
Mar 2, 2024
Yeah basically but her royal dalton dress got stained
We will that to your imagination 🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤪🤪
Probably the Hedge stained it.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It does look like she gets dragged threw a hedge backwards 😂😂😂
someone on here said it looks like she’ll get fed in the hedges or Bushes. Can’t remember which but it cracked me up.