Sevda.Ela @sevda.ela


Mar 1, 2024
I couldn’t do it, they can change the appearance but can’t take the loss of innocence lives away from it 😢😢😢
You’d think if Sevda is that superstitious that she has evil eyes everywhere she might find it bad vibes going there but apparently not 🥴 Bet it was cheaper than the other hotels so she went for it. Or she just didn’t know as she doesn’t watch the news or keep up with events. Maybe take a note out of Sedat’s book and watch the news occasionally Begda 🙄 It’s useful to know what’s going on and what to be aware of in different countries when you travel etc.
Mar 2, 2024
Firstly do stick… your hair is literally breaking shorter than a fringe.. foe entertainment purposes please keeping using your cheap box yes.. I want to see where this takes you…

Secondly do stick… name one airport that doesn’t have food??? You going to hold on to that crusty crowsssant all day in case there isn’t food at the airport that night… fing disgusting specimen of a human being, total filth… you look like you stink b


Mar 1, 2024
I know it's like beating a dead horse at this stage but why, WHY wouldn't you use a knife and fork for that thing she had for breakfast? It was also disgusting seeing her bite and suck on it!

Back to wrapping up croissants to take with her later, in case there's no food at the airport?! What airport has NO food options? Bet they'll be on Ela's breakfast plate tomorrow.

Surprised she's given out all the details of checkout, when they're leaving and their flight time. I thought they were celebrities and needed to hide their locations?
She’ll be taking food now to avoid buying food at the airport, she knows some of the Turkish airports have expensive food options (which is true they do) so she’s probably worried the Tunisian airport will too 😂 She can definitely afford it though, if you can afford 5 holidays a year (several of which were all inclusive and expensive) you can afford to pay £20-30 for food at the airport.
Mar 2, 2024
Beggy no lips finds the most weird “fwiends” they are either obese or goths there’s no in between.
It’s like she has a type and wants them to be fat and weird to make her look better. And those non existent lips of hers make me sick

But instead she just looks even worse with her fanny eyes and massive tongue

Her Hooter as taken over the photo.
Mar 2, 2024
Here’s the Google translation of their convo about the waiter “doctor”. I’m sure theirs was more conversational, but you get the gist:

Sedat: Oh enjoy

Sev: 😂😂😂

Sedat: That was very good. I really liked it so great it was a little funny, really, so I laughed.

Sev: 😂😂😂
Sev: You were gonna like it.

Sedat: Yeah it was good. I’d have three, so I’d have had two little tips of dort (?) but I’d like it very well.

Sev: 😂😂😂

I would have told him I didn’t want one. Plain and simple! My hubby definitely wouldn’t have found this funny! Says a lot about their marriage. My husband Trusts me implicitly because I don’t give him any cause to not Trust me. And that includes me having a shot squirted into my mouth! If I wanted the shot I would have taken it off him and done it myself. But I can guarantee you they wouldn’t even approach me because I wouldn’t interact with them. This is one of the reasons I attracted a good man and that’s because I didn’t throw my knickers to any man! If this doesn’t bother your Husband sat at home then something is very very wrong in your marriage.
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Mar 2, 2024
Why is she talking such rubbish… She knows the optics of that video look bad and yet posted it anyway as she wanted the reaction/to rage bait and get more views. It doesn’t take a genius to realise it looks weird having a random waiter leaning over you squirting stuff in your mouth, so why would you record this and then post it on your account with 1.8 million followers?

“Do not make things into something they are not” - BFFR Sevda, most people wouldn’t record themselves doing this and if they did they wouldn’t send said video to everyone they know or their employer because it looks bad. Because that’s literally what she’s doing when she uploads se like this. It’s giving teenager desperate to rebel and wanting attention/mid life crisis vibes and frankly it’s just sad.
This isn’t random. She’s got her sister to record this! It’s all for attention. She will have said to the bloke just hang on my sister is going to film this! Desperado!

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
You’d think if Sevda is that superstitious that she has evil eyes everywhere she might find it bad vibes going there but apparently not 🥴 Bet it was cheaper than the other hotels so she went for it. Or she just didn’t know as she doesn’t watch the news or keep up with events. Maybe take a note out of Sedat’s book and watch the news occasionally Begda 🙄 It’s useful to know what’s going on and what to be aware of in different countries when you travel etc.
If I was going I would check to see if it was that hotel or not, and not just saying that, I just couldn’t do it
I do believe she does know what is going on in the world but doesn’t give a s as it doesn’t affect her, then plays dumb saying she doesn’t watch the news then does the feel sorry for her act, I don’t watch the news but I know what’s going, for one it’s all over TT and other SM sites, and plus the hubby speaks about things so does the rest of the family


Mar 1, 2024
Me Too! She says us Trolls wouldn’t say these things to her face. I can assure you Flapper I would most definitely say these things to your face!
Then she definitely doesn’t know us 😂 You’ve got it the wrong way round Sevda, YOU are the coward who hides behind blocking people online because you hate confrontation and being called out. What are you going to do if you meet someone you don’t like in real life, block them? 🤣 It’s giving “I can’t cope with interacting with people or disagreeing with people and I always have to have my way”. And it’s also why she won’t do any real life meet-ups because let’s face it she knows people don’t actually like her that much and there’s the risk of twolls coming who will actually tell her she’s a POS to her face.

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
She’ll be taking food now to avoid buying food at the airport, she knows some of the Turkish airports have expensive food options (which is true they do) so she’s probably worried the Tunisian airport will too 😂 She can definitely afford it though, if you can afford 5 holidays a year (several of which were all inclusive and expensive) you can afford to pay £20-30 for food at the airport.
She has used her cash on TIPS for services on her lol 😂

Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
Me Too! She says us Trolls wouldn’t say these things to her face. I can assure you Flapper I would most definitely say these things to your face!
😂😂😂😂 she doesn’t know us then 😂😂😂 oh sevda to prove you wrong name a public place and time I am sure many would turn up and tell you to your face 😂😂😂

OR EVEN BETTER DO A LIVE WITHOUT BLOCKING AND MUTING AND OPEN YOUR BOXES ( oppsss you have done that this holiday 😂😂) then you will find out BUT YOU WONT
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Chicken wings

Mar 1, 2024
I would have told him I didn’t want one. Plain and simple! My hubby definitely wouldn’t have found this funny! Says a lot about their marriage. My husband Trusts me implicitly because I don’t give him any cause to not Trust me. And that includes having me Squirt a shot in my mouth! If I wanted the shot I would have taken it off him and done it myself. But I can guarantee you they wouldn’t even approach me because I wouldn’t interact with them. This is one of the reasons I attracted a good man and that’s because I didn’t throw my knickers to any man! If this doesn’t bother your Husband sat at home then something is very very wrong in your marriage.
Me too
Mar 2, 2024
She says “please do not make things into something they are not.” Then why post the conversation you stupid b?
Did anyone in her comments say anything? Can’t understand why she’s posted this?
Sevda Your Husband definitely isn’t in love with you nor does he fancy or respect you because if he did his response definitely wouldn’t have been so Blasé! You bore him. Plain and simple.