Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

May 24, 2024
The World
This isnt the real bamsam, this will be two of his followers hoping that they can come and be the bold heroes then run back to him to tell him how big and brave they've been, in the hope they get a wee thank you message so they can use it as wank bank material later when their cats are asleep
They should have said, I’d have given them a sticker and a lolly


May 10, 2024
This isnt the real bamsam, this will be two of his followers hoping that they can come and be the bold heroes then run back to him to tell him how big and brave they've been, in the hope they get a wee thank you message so they can use it as wank bank material later when their cats are asleep
I'd love to agree but I personally do think it was him. Just surprised that he didn't sooner that's all really. He's that used to all these wee huns blowing smoke up his arse so he's having a wee narc meltdown. And to have the gall to associate with a known bully and to try to call others the same and about accountability for their words? Minds blown 😵‍💫🤷


May 17, 2024
Know what makes me so sad is how she treated C family, I lost my husband a few years ago and couldn’t understand how Steph could be so cruel to his family, I will never get over the scream my mother in law gave when I had to tell her about her son, the pure pain will remain with me until I die, I went into complete shock and my brain went numb I don’t really remember much of the first few days after, I was also drinking a lot too, I went from having an amazing husband to being a single mum instantly you can’t fully recover from that, this year is our 16th wedding anniversary and together 19 years and I miss him with every fibre of me.
The dignity C family have shown is so respectable and I don’t believe if I was in that situation she would have a head on her shoulders if I’m honest. Don’t get me wrong in laws can be tough especially when someone dies everyone is devastated and angry at the same time, we clashed a lot, but we all had a hand in arranging the funeral I couldn’t leave them out, it wasn’t about personal feelings for each other this was about him only, we are still close my second parents I call them, and my door is always open to them.
Why did she have to sleep with his best friend and put two fingers up to his family and C himself. I don’t think bad on people that find happiness again but why HIS friend tho, his mate was just as bad. I’ve been asked on many dates but I’m just not ready for that, it makes me feel sick at the thought x


May 10, 2024
Know what makes me so sad is how she treated C family, I lost my husband a few years ago and couldn’t understand how Steph could be so cruel to his family, I will never get over the scream my mother in law gave when I had to tell her about her son, the pure pain will remain with me until I die, I went into complete shock and my brain went numb I don’t really remember much of the first few days after, I was also drinking a lot too, I went from having an amazing husband to being a single mum instantly you can’t fully recover from that, this year is our 16th wedding anniversary and together 19 years and I miss him with every fibre of me.
The dignity C family have shown is so respectable and I don’t believe if I was in that situation she would have a head on her shoulders if I’m honest. Don’t get me wrong in laws can be tough especially when someone dies everyone is devastated and angry at the same time, we clashed a lot, but we all had a hand in arranging the funeral I couldn’t leave them out, it wasn’t about personal feelings for each other this was about him only, we are still close my second parents I call them, and my door is always open to them.
Why did she have to sleep with his best friend and put two fingers up to his family and C himself. I don’t think bad on people that find happiness again but why HIS friend tho, his mate was just as bad. I’ve been asked on many dates but I’m just not ready for that, it makes me feel sick at the thought x
Bless you sweetheart. That hurt my heart to read 💔
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May 24, 2024
The World
Know what makes me so sad is how she treated C family, I lost my husband a few years ago and couldn’t understand how Steph could be so cruel to his family, I will never get over the scream my mother in law gave when I had to tell her about her son, the pure pain will remain with me until I die, I went into complete shock and my brain went numb I don’t really remember much of the first few days after, I was also drinking a lot too, I went from having an amazing husband to being a single mum instantly you can’t fully recover from that, this year is our 16th wedding anniversary and together 19 years and I miss him with every fibre of me.
The dignity C family have shown is so respectable and I don’t believe if I was in that situation she would have a head on her shoulders if I’m honest. Don’t get me wrong in laws can be tough especially when someone dies everyone is devastated and angry at the same time, we clashed a lot, but we all had a hand in arranging the funeral I couldn’t leave them out, it wasn’t about personal feelings for each other this was about him only, we are still close my second parents I call them, and my door is always open to them.
Why did she have to sleep with his best friend and put two fingers up to his family and C himself. I don’t think bad on people that find happiness again but why HIS friend tho, his mate was just as bad. I’ve been asked on many dates but I’m just not ready for that, it makes me feel sick at the thought x
Sorry for your loss hun, what a perfect detailed description of what it’s like to struggle, but pull together to respect the person who has now gone, all personal feelings aside. ❤️


May 17, 2024
Bless you sweetheart. That hurt to read 💔
I just can’t get my brain to understand how people can be so cruel, she kicked his poor family when they were at their lowest and I’m sorry to say this but I don’t believe she cared for him, her actions after tells me that, my husband will always be my best pal, even if I was in the wrong he still had my back no matter what he is so special, I hate saying was, to me he will always be my pal and husband, he’s not gone I do believe he’s with me watching over us x


May 18, 2024
Grouping together to mock peoples appearances that they have no control over you want to be ashamed of yourselves your bullies and it’s revolting I just hope you don’t do it to someone who is struggling and they decide to end it over comments like these disgusting people
i think it’s sad you’ve made an account to come and comment on here. you’re thriving off the attention and just had to get yourself in here. she is setting the wrong example and the amount of young girls that look up to her is unreal, and she is uploading heavily filtered videos which is very damaging. she can’t put up a video without some sort of slimming filter and you can’t say she doesn’t because if you look at certain videos you can quite clearly see the filter glitching (the salad last night was bad enough).


Mar 10, 2024
Who’s talking about Steph I’m talking about you creatures mocking appearances what because I’ve decided to speak to someone that gives you the right to abuse people online that’s bullying it’s disgusting and you confirm it by hiding your faces and names
Go onto vav’s old twitter and you’ll see she’s the best at mocking people’s appearances but that’s probably ok because you’ll get more clout from
Your budding romance 😂


May 10, 2024
I just can’t get my brain to understand how people can be so cruel, she kicked his poor family when they were at their lowest and I’m sorry to say this but I don’t believe she cared for him, her actions after tells me that, my husband will always be my best pal, even if I was in the wrong he still had my back no matter what he is so special, I hate saying was, to me he will always be my pal and husband, he’s not gone I do believe he’s with me watching over us x
Aww bless ❤️ And reading your posts, you come across as an emphatic, balanced person. You are like a voice of reason. And he will always be here sweetheart with the love you carry for him and the special memories ❤️