Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I’ve seen an ED disorder first hand with my mum. Staff said she had Bulimia in one response to a commenter.
My mums ED was bulimic, rotted all her teeth she had to get what was left taken out, every single one.
She has terrible acid reflux still from the years of throwing up, and is still on medication to help manage it. She would never eat off a dinner sized plate, everything was on a side plate because she would take virtually nothing and it looked less daunting on a side plate compared to a large one. She would always sit away from us to eat also.

I think staff has felt guilty once for being a bottomless pit and made herself sick. Now claims she has an ED

Your poor mum must be so hard for you to watch. Just heartbreaking. Same as my friend her teeth are so bad she had to get some pulled out, her hair was thinning and her skin was a mess. She is in recovery now but still struggles daily. Also someone with a ED would not film them eating and then say food is life.
May 13, 2024
Everyone tells little white lies ie my husband says is that new eh no babes had it for ages, things like that. Her lies are dangerous she is one wicked person
In this house “ my mum bought me that” mum and dads house…..”our favourite child bought me that” me and mum have got it sussed 🤣 they Dinna believe us but it’s ok
May 24, 2024
The World
Your poor mum must be so hard for you to watch. Just heartbreaking. Same as my friend her teeth are so bad she had to get some pulled out, her hair was thinning and her skin was a mess. She is in recovery now but still struggles daily. Also someone with a ED would not film them eating and then say food is life.
I’m glad your friend is finding her way out of it. Sometimes when our world feels like it’s out of control we take control back where we can, and what and when we eat is the one thing we can control.

My mums hair is so thin and I remember her skin used to get these really aggressive red marks.
My mum sadly has a drink problem too, she’s not a very well woman I’ve seen her suffer my whole life. Even in her 60s she has her demons, regrets and has quite an isolated life. We aren’t close sadly, we are too different. While I empathise for her problems in life, she still knew right from wrong and for that I never got to build a maternal link with her. She’s birthed me, but that’s about it.
I wish it was different, but it’s not. I limit my time with her for my own mental health but I’d be there for her at a drop of a hat ❤️


Mar 12, 2024
She’s been catching up here and TL and realised people actually won’t buy it cause it’s her.

I’m away to buy Emma’s just now 🙃
The more support the others get will put hers down as well.

Be prepared for the sty pumps that come with them though. I’ve got the cheek already and the pump comes off into the lid 😡

I also got their chroma cover foundation and the foundation is too thick for the pump so it’s an open bottle job. It’s all cheap se.
Mar 10, 2024
Unites Kingdom
Oh Julia is lovely and has worked so hard to keep that place open I enjoyed going in before I moved house the girls when I went their are all renting chairs now elsewhere but it was a great wee place to go Steph thought she was better than everyone else there. Did she then move onto ice after that.

She thought she was better but the ironic thing is that Julia’s family could have bought and old beefy 100 times over. She’s a fing cretin.


Mar 9, 2024
This!! I got the impression they spoke every day; they facetimed, they'd appear in each others lives and then he made the massive gesture to fly to Ibiza to suddenly unfollow her, have his mods mute her names and presumably have no contact anymore... it's a bit suss 🤔 If you're speaking to someone for nearly three weeks like they did, they'd surely become "emotionally invested" with each other which Sam kinda hinted at by insinuating he wasn't talking to other lassies when he was messaging Steph. Maybe I'm hormonal (lol) but I do kinda feel bad for him since he comes across as sensitive and surely this must be a kick in the balls for him? I've no doubt he'll be fine and he'll get speaking so someone els, but best believe if he was the one who fed up Steph would be making indirects about it. So Sam, I give you kudos for being mature and not speaking out (even though I want the goss haha)👏👏
Sure he was giving her tips on how to fix her kitchen drawer over FaceTime 😂😭 most defo suss!!!
Maybe this is why his pal came over yesterday to try get people to lay off him 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe he is a wee bit sensitive and tbh he looks like a bit of a clown now 🤦🏻‍♀️ you should of listened Churchill 😭


Mar 9, 2024
Different level of internal suffering when it comes to your children and you can’t do anything about it since murder is frowned upon.
We do anything and everything to protect our kids.
My daughter is extremely outgoing, social, one of the popular ones in school, sweet as a button but she’s me all over the back and has no fear. She asked if she could go to London for the weekend with two of her friends. My jaw hit the floor, I said have you lost your MIND?? Absolutely not, I couldn’t possibly live with myself if something happened to her. And I know things can happen on your door step but I can’t just get to her by jumping in my car and running fs over when I got to her. Our fear as mothers of daughters is hard.
I read a quote somewhere that said when you’re a mother of a son, you have one dick to worry about. When you’re a mother of a daughter, you have 100’s of dicks to worry about.
Couldn’t be any more true!

I recommend therapy to anyone. Even if you haven’t gone through anything traumatic, or what you deem traumatic, everyone who experienced a child hood will have childhood trauma.
Also our generation of grown up, our parents were a different breed 😂 so much less safeguarding when we were kids. Left outside pubs, any Tom dick and harry babysitting you etc.
Unfortunately my trauma stems from my parents, I don’t even like calling them that. If I told you what my mother did to me as a child, honestly it would turn your stomach. They two are most certainly a different breed, I’d love to take them right out tbh but like you say, it’s frowned upon 🤷🏻‍♀️ karma will continue to get them 😊

That’s so true, I say that all the time 😂 my boys are pure gents, so gentle but I worry for my girls, I worry about all them but my girls, well you know. This is another mother who I trusted who has fkd with my children, big mistake, justice will serve with these two disgusting people who have hurt my children but I will get my time with them at some point 👊🏽
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
Aw hun, I hope you get the support you are looking for ❤️ 🌹😘 I’m sorry you’ve found yourself slipping.
One of Staffs twitter posts was people don’t know how lucky they are, and when with C wishing people had their problems basically.
I’m waiting for my place back with my psychologist. I was discharged July 2023 and I’m referred back. My health problems are life long. Although I’ve won the battle, the mental health impact will never leave me. Fear is my new best friend that follows me everywhere.

Everything Staff has experienced is happening to people around her, C with his illness, made it about her, Max’s autism is always made about her, not how it affects Max and his struggles with not being able to communicate.
I’m not saying seeing what happened to C won’t have had an impact on her, it’s absolutely will have, my partner is terrified for me, but he knows it’s not on the scale of what I feel.

Her incessant need to be part of something, and make it about her is something that needs clinical assessment. She’s a grief tourist, seen by her tiktoks posting about disasters and people needing help. She wants a piece of everyone’s pie, while actually not experiencing all that much hardship herself. Take herself out of everyone’s business, she has a very good life. Albeit made on the back of others.

She winds me up something chronic.

Aww lovely ❤️❤️❤️hope you are ok. I always say your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I've been in and out of therapy my whole life, and last few years is the most at peace I've had with my mind.

You are correct she does want the piece of the pie, what she went through with C I would not wish that on anyone watching someone you love die and so young. I said before I think she takes snippets of peoples stories life and uses them for her life, you know what like you go to your hairdresser and you can just yap and yap.

Sending so much love ❤️❤️
May 24, 2024
The World
The more support the others get will put hers down as well.

Be prepared for the sty pumps that come with them though. I’ve got the cheek already and the pump comes off into the lid 😡

I also got their chroma cover foundation and the foundation is too thick for the pump so it’s an open bottle job. It’s all cheap se.
I don’t wear much make up these days but my daughter loves a full face so she will get good wear out of. Emma comes across great and someone you want to see doing well ❤️

When I go out I do like a full coverage foundation, is chroma good? I usually wear nars and double wear mixed together
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
In this house “ my mum bought me that” mum and dads house…..”our favourite child bought me that” me and mum have got it sussed 🤣 they Dinna believe us but it’s ok

This made me laugh so much 🤣🤣🤣 when I'm out with my mum she will often buy me something more so the kids. My husband is like that new no my mum bought it 🤣🤣🤣 he is like eh aye ok. He rolls his eyes 🙈🙈
May 24, 2024
The World
Aww lovely ❤️❤️❤️hope you are ok. I always say your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I've been in and out of therapy my whole life, and last few years is the most at peace I've had with my mind.

You are correct she does want the piece of the pie, what she went through with C I would not wish that on anyone watching someone you love die and so young. I said before I think she takes snippets of peoples stories life and uses them for her life, you know what like you go to your hairdresser and you can just yap and yap.

Sending so much love ❤️❤️
Thank you lovely, I am good. My life flipped upside down at 36 and trying to adjust to my ‘new normal’, therapy has helped loads.
But I’ve also went down holistic and spiritual therapy to help on a much more deeper level and it’s been fantastic. I get one particular, well actually two and change between them both, holistic treatment that does wonders for me internally.
We really do need to invest in our mental health. It wasn’t a huge thing when we were younger so we are well imbedded in our trauma but we can definitely make a start and stay committed to change, and hope we don’t pass it on to our kids. That’s always been my goal, not to give my child anything to heal from. Sadly I have but not by choice ❤️
Mar 10, 2024
united kingdom
I’m glad your friend is finding her way out of it. Sometimes when our world feels like it’s out of control we take control back where we can, and what and when we eat is the one thing we can control.

My mums hair is so thin and I remember her skin used to get these really aggressive red marks.
My mum sadly has a drink problem too, she’s not a very well woman I’ve seen her suffer my whole life. Even in her 60s she has her demons, regrets and has quite an isolated life. We aren’t close sadly, we are too different. While I empathise for her problems in life, she still knew right from wrong and for that I never got to build a maternal link with her. She’s birthed me, but that’s about it.
I wish it was different, but it’s not. I limit my time with her for my own mental health but I’d be there for her at a drop of a hat ❤️

Yes she is so much better but she does say that some days are hard. I think aswell with food to have that power control over you must be so so hard because we need it to function,live.

Aww lovely ❤️❤️ that's so sad to read but you need to take care of you and to make sure your mind body is taken care of. If you don't do it no one will. That takes so much strength to be able to realise you need to limit your time because it's not good for you.

That was a bit like my dad he was so up and down in our life but I was always there for him. He was a drinker and had health problems. X