Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
I have just said that you are an inspiration ❤️❤️ how you have managed to make something of your life, make sure your child life is nothing like yours ❤️❤️

Awful reading what your mum put you through so so awful. I hate when people say that your trauma only makes you stronger eh no cause no child should ever ever have to go through any type of abuse.

Much love full Monty x if I made u smile n I hope I do x then Iam happy to bring a wee bit of joy into ur life x your story is horrible n my heart goes out to u x u are going to help others n I pray for healing in ur life x u beautiful soul

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
He is a person struggling and I see that with my mum too, but you have to protect your own peace., and protect the kiddies.
I wish she would change but she’s happy living how she is.
Possibly how your dad is happy living too ❤️
I was I loved child, just not by my parents.
Mrs full Monty x I loves ya x

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
He is a person struggling and I see that with my mum too, but you have to protect your own peace., and protect the kiddies.
I wish she would change but she’s happy living how she is.
Possibly how your dad is happy living too ❤️
I was I loved child, just not by my parents.
Vavsvag x ur beautiful as u are is a inside job radiates through a heart that is loving n a soul that is kind

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Sorry you had to deal with that too. I just cannot abide it, I haven never ever been unavailable for my child because I’m drunk or out drinking. I wouldn’t have dreamed about taking her to a bar while I got absolutely blotto and dragged her home like my parents did. They were never in to make dinners, never got up to get me ready for school because they were rough. Taking myself to school from primary 2. Id get home from school some days and they wouldn’t be in. Sat outside for hours and hours waiting for them to stumble home.
Honestly, it’s a huge trigger for me and I just don’t understand how in this generation, we are still doing that to children.
To be honest Sam actually came across even better, home with his children where they should be while his mates hingin off a birds shouldn’t saying he’ll punch her and she’s got her wain across from her. Nah. 🚩
Aww this made me so sad reading this x sending lots of love x

did yi aye

Mar 21, 2024
Always here for u anytime x we all have been through a lot in different ways x but we are still standing ..we fall ..we rise ..we never give up fighting the good fight x
Thats why I always go out my way to make people smile x cause I have been through a lot n I know the dark times well so I try bring a little sunshine to help brighten the day even if it means me being a little crazy ha ha 🤣


Apr 25, 2024
I very much doubt Julia from jewel cosmetics is going to be interested in having Steph’s blush in her make up range she tends to use high end products 🤣🤣 how funny these folk are.

And the appreciation post up an hour and 134 comments and 2,000 likes not Excatly the 148,000 followers I think this might expose that she buys her followers I hope she sells hardly anything as she has lied about that aswell 🤣
IMG_2743.jpeg IMG_2742.png
The pish that dribbles out her gob," my daughter dared me to do TT"🤣 eh vav you've been vlogginh your whole life for over 10 yrs .. #makeitmakesense #lies #provemeright


Jun 19, 2024
Hi, I’m new here so please stick with me as I try to navigate this app 😄. I’m going to try and be aware of what I’m saying here as I don’t want to inadvertently Dox anyone but I’m let’s just say Very close (thicker than water) friends with someone from the Ibiza trip…. And man o man do I have tea ☕️ The reason I’m pouring the pot is because this madam has over stayed her welcome with some of us and it looks like this might be our only outlet. Concerns have been raised with the team at B but unfortunately ‘there’s no such thing as bad press’ ‘she brings views, it doesn’t matter if it’s hate watching the algorithm doesn’t know that’. So I’m going to vent here if you will have me?


Jun 19, 2024
There are a lot of people becoming aware of ‘wee madam’ as we call her. When over for live packs it was noticed her behaviour and energy was different between the guys and the girls. She has really bad energy around the girls and has a habit of trying to boss us around, forgetting she’s there to work FOR us not above us! So that’s what started the ill feelings, but let’s skip to this wee trip for now, which she outright ASKED to come on by the way. By the end of day one she was the talk of our B chat because of how much space she demands! Has to be the loudest one and that’s hard around a group of Irish let me tell you! But it’s her attitude that’s really gotten us upset this time. She made barely any effort with the team (apart from the guys) she basically sees us as ‘staff’ beneath her and wanted to spend all her time with 4 of the other guests instead which is fine but she really creates an obvious divide. Our first trip out on boats it’s been reported back that lots of the guests had to re do or delete content because of her loud over powering shouting, even our team trying to film content had a lot we couldn’t use because the mics kept picking her up and this got annoying FAST!


May 17, 2024
Hi, I’m new here so please stick with me as I try to navigate this app 😄. I’m going to try and be aware of what I’m saying here as I don’t want to inadvertently Dox anyone but I’m let’s just say Very close (thicker than water) friends with someone from the Ibiza trip…. And man o man do I have tea ☕️ The reason I’m pouring the pot is because this madam has over stayed her welcome with some of us and it looks like this might be our only outlet. Concerns have been raised with the team at B but unfortunately ‘there’s no such thing as bad press’ ‘she brings views, it doesn’t matter if it’s hate watching the algorithm doesn’t know that’. So I’m going to vent here if you will have me? In
Does your name suggest your from ballymena ? Northern Ireland ? Such a beautiful part of NI. I have family live their