Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron

Mar 10, 2024
Another warrior ❤️ sorry you’ve been through that but also, well done for coming through that! 💋
There is a reason there is so many like minded people on these forums with the same up bringing who have the same views on protecting children and calling out bullshit. Because we weren’t, we can’t see it happen to others, it whatever form that may be!!

My mum is trying to make amends through being an amazing granny, and so long as she watches herself around my daughter, I don’t care how she is with me now. Didn’t need her then, don’t need her now, but I won’t keep my daughter from her gran like my mum hid me from mine. They need a relationship.

Not all children raised in trauma can break the cycle and not continue the toxic cycle and pass it on to their children, so well done ladies for want better for your children.

Vav… take notes. You do nothing but continue the toxic female cycle in your family.
Bless you babes 💋

There’s been times in my life when the thought process kicks in mayby I should try this might numb the pain of everyday life with asd kids past trauma dad in prison for murder has been in and out all my life but this 18 years has been the longest and he is the best despite his actions

My parents are in my life accepted what they done wrong and who they let into my life and what happened to me (that was never on them never have blamed them never will) their outstanding with my kids my oldest 2 know where he is and what he’s done (tbh ladies he was protecting his family grown men physically attacking his wife and daughter (didn’t just wake up and think I’m gonna kill hom today)

But yes babe so lucky we’ve managed to break the cycle as you say some kids and even some adults can’t it’s their way of coping unfortunately it’s all they know 💋💋


Jun 19, 2024
You don't have insider info on what happened between Steph and Sam do you 👀🤣🤣
😄 the only thing I could GUESS is she asked Brendan if he was ‘too short’ a few times when she was smashed like “do you think he’s too small? He is really short for a guy is he?’ So I’d say she probably didn’t realise he was a smaller guy (which isn’t unusual where I’m from) but some of the guests on the trip were taller than him without heels so yeh she’s maybe just not able to see past the hight thing. She did say a bit too loudly to Mel “no I like a big guy” so that would be my guess because they had only ever FaceTimed each other before Ibiza, she hadn’t met him in person until then.
May 24, 2024
The World
Bless you babes 💋

There’s been times in my life when the thought process kicks in mayby I should try this might numb the pain of everyday life with asd kids past trauma dad in prison for murder has been in and out all my life but this 18 years has been the longest and he is the best despite his actions

My parents are in my life accepted what they done wrong and who they let into my life and what happened to me (that was never on them never have blamed them never will) their outstanding with my kids my oldest 2 know where he is and what he’s done (tbh ladies he was protecting his family grown men physically attacking his wife and daughter (didn’t just wake up and think I’m gonna kill hom today)

But yes babe so lucky we’ve managed to break the cycle as you say some kids and even some adults can’t it’s their way of coping unfortunately it’s all they know 💋💋
I’ve had similar experience except I do blame my mum, that’s where my issues start.

What’s done is done when it comes to us, all we ask is that they be good grandparents to our children. If it’s not manageable then it’s down to us to protect them. But sounds like they are making amends for short comings as parents.

I’ve had two family members in prison, one for murder. Sometimes things happen that you can’t control, and not everything is as black and white as people may want to think. ❤️
Again, it’s all these situations that make us mothers who want to protect.

Vav will have any ole guy round her children and that’s so fing dangerous. She’ll meet any one in another country that she’s not got a clue about. She doesn’t safeguard herself or her children.
May 24, 2024
The World
😄 the only thing I could GUESS is she asked Brendan if he was ‘too short’ a few times when she was smashed like “do you think he’s too small? He is really short for a guy is he?’ So I’d say she probably didn’t realise he was a smaller guy (which isn’t unusual where I’m from) but some of the guests on the trip were taller than him without heels so yeh she’s maybe just not able to see past the hight thing. She did say a bit too loudly to Mel “no I like a big guy” so that would be my guess because they had only ever FaceTimed each other before Ibiza, she hadn’t met him in person until then.
You are a hero 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mar 8, 2024
😄 the only thing I could GUESS is she asked Brendan if he was ‘too short’ a few times when she was smashed like “do you think he’s too small? He is really short for a guy is he?’ So I’d say she probably didn’t realise he was a smaller guy (which isn’t unusual where I’m from) but some of the guests on the trip were taller than him without heels so yeh she’s maybe just not able to see past the hight thing. She did say a bit too loudly to Mel “no I like a big guy” so that would be my guess because they had only ever FaceTimed each other before Ibiza, she hadn’t met him in person until then.
Ah poor Sam. Come on fella come over here and talk to us. We were right about her we know. You got catfished by her we know. She is a horror we know.
Mar 8, 2024
She’s a cheek talking about someone’s height. She filters absolutely every part of her body and sucks in beyond belief! She’s a fing embarrassment. I hope Bperfect drop her. Cus that’s her only thing she has to claim she’s famous and doing well. She isn’t like she’s a t. And she’s absolutely hated by so many people. But they don’t actually care cus she clearly makes sales for them


Jun 19, 2024
Although I don’t know how she makes many sales as she’s very disliked, and people in her comments are arse lickers and not buying her products.
I instantly hate any brand who uses her, especially when they see how much she lies, manipulates and exploiters her son.

You will never get the true story from her, she’s hell bent on making it seem like brands absolutely love her and she’s close with them all
She gets a lot of hate views on the lives which pumps it out to more viewers in the live community and that creates new customers. She doesn’t come across as horrendous while packing it’s more 1-1 we see her for what she is like. It’s worth mentioning our lives have her moderators on so the team don’t see much bad comments about her, we use to but she tells Brendon it’s just trolls, ex friends, ex work colleagues and girls from her home town. The only reason we even knew about tattle etc is from some of the emails that were sent warning us about her. It’s a very split opinion over here on her though but more are seeing the light after the trip if I’m honest.
May 24, 2024
The World
She slims and stretches herself, and isn’t she 5’2, so 5’6/5’7 is tall for her. Taller men won’t want a 5’2 lass.
Also would she be alright with someone telling her she’s too short?
Sam made a deal about going for appearance and things you can’t help, they’ll have discussed this on FaceTime to each other, and there she is… Sam literally can’t help his height.
She’s the epitome of what Sam has protested against.
See Sam, told ya.

My friend @easilyannoyed114 fancies you though 😂😂😂
May 24, 2024
The World
She gets a lot of hate views on the lives which pumps it out to more viewers in the live community and that creates new customers. She doesn’t come across as horrendous while packing it’s more 1-1 we see her for what she is like. It’s worth mentioning our lives have her moderators on so the team don’t see much bad comments about her, we use to but she tells Brendon it’s just trolls, ex friends, ex work colleagues and girls from her home town. The only reason we even knew about tattle etc is from some of the emails that were sent warning us about her. It’s a very split opinion over here on her though but more are seeing the light after the trip if I’m honest.
She has to have her mods everywhere because she can’t have the truth coming out.
So basically by her own admission it’s just absolute everyone that knows her in person…. That speaks volumes! Not random strangers on the internet that don’t know her. 😂 that shows how thick she is why you’d admit that hahaha


Jun 19, 2024
I really like a lot of the guys who went on the trip, one in particular has had private words with Steph after disagreeing over a video Steph posted last year saying she wanted to kick her daughter or something? There is very obvious tension between them but the girl I like remained very professional and dignified. She absolutely see’s in her what a few others see despite Steph trying her best to talk her round. Unfortunately money talks and ‘character flaws’ can be over looked at times, but it’s beginning to have an impact on a few of the team members now, hence the motivation to start venting about the situation. I can see a ‘team bonding’ trip suggestion soon 😅
Mar 8, 2024
She slims and stretches herself, and isn’t she 5’2, so 5’6/5’7 is tall for her. Taller men won’t want a 5’2 lass.
Also would she be alright with someone telling her she’s too short?
Sam made a deal about going for appearance and things you can’t help, they’ll have discussed this on FaceTime to each other, and there she is… Sam literally can’t help his height.
She’s the epitome of what Sam has protested against.
See Sam, told ya.

My friend @easilyannoyed114 fancies you though 😂😂😂
Howling at the shout out at the end 😂😂😂
She has a cheek talking about anyone when she is filtered and fake!
Mar 8, 2024
She gets a lot of hate views on the lives which pumps it out to more viewers in the live community and that creates new customers. She doesn’t come across as horrendous while packing it’s more 1-1 we see her for what she is like. It’s worth mentioning our lives have her moderators on so the team don’t see much bad comments about her, we use to but she tells Brendon it’s just trolls, ex friends, ex work colleagues and girls from her home town. The only reason we even knew about tattle etc is from some of the emails that were sent warning us about her. It’s a very split opinion over here on her though but more are seeing the light after the trip if I’m honest.
Surely Brendan can’t see this as reasonable explanations for the hate? He can’t be dim. He needs to bin her off immediately. Love how we have all been so right about her and can see her for what she is. Love a good intuition! We all have it. We are a bunch of good eggs


May 17, 2024
I really like a lot of the guys who went on the trip, one in particular has had private words with Steph after disagreeing over a video Steph posted last year saying she wanted to kick her daughter or something? There is very obvious tension between them but the girl I like remained very professional and dignified. She absolutely see’s in her what a few others see despite Steph trying her best to talk her round. Unfortunately money talks and ‘character flaws’ can be over looked at times, but it’s beginning to have an impact on a few of the team members now, hence the motivation to start venting about the situation. I can see a ‘team bonding’ trip suggestion soon 😅
Thank you for sharing, confirms everything we knew about her, she clings to folk only if it benefits her, she did it with Abby & Cole coz they have millions of followers, she honestly believes she’s a celebrity it’s so funny x
May 24, 2024
The World
I really like a lot of the guys who went on the trip, one in particular has had private words with Steph after disagreeing over a video Steph posted last year saying she wanted to kick her daughter or something? There is very obvious tension between them but the girl I like remained very professional and dignified. She absolutely see’s in her what a few others see despite Steph trying her best to talk her round. Unfortunately money talks and ‘character flaws’ can be over looked at times, but it’s beginning to have an impact on a few of the team members now, hence the motivation to start venting about the situation. I can see a ‘team bonding’ trip suggestion soon 😅
Listen no company should ask you to put up with someone who brings bad energy, and makes your working day uncomfortable.
But it’s not my place to tell Brendan it’s work place harassment.
No wonder you all seek somewhere to be heard and understood.
She’s a big uncomfortable character through the screen I can imagine what she’s like in person.

She does read here though, just FYI ❤️


Mar 10, 2024
I can see exactly what’s she’s like on that trip, so far up Brendan’s arse she could tickle his tonsils, and giving the other folk there the look to say “see I’m his favourite” 😂 she is honestly a poisonous rat 🐀 I feel bad for slagging Sam’s looks but I won’t take back what I said about his content, that’s why I blocked him, could see Steph the state strutting around thinking she’s a proper celebrity 😂 I believe C will be her downfall C is her karma coz what she did to him all those years ago still follows her to this day and it will never go away x
If Brendan was straight she would 100% try to get with him, she thinks and wants to be his number one I would be interested in how many sales she gets as on the live it doesn’t look like much boxes are sold as the count for her boxes just go up for every live she does the last time it wasn’t even 100 boxes before the live ended and that was a 3 hour live that is pitiful.


May 17, 2024
If Brendan was straight she would 100% try to get with him, she thinks and wants to be his number one I would be interested in how many sales she gets as on the live it doesn’t look like much boxes are sold as the count for her boxes just go up for every live she does the last time it wasn’t even 100 boxes before the live ended and that was a 3 hour live that is pitiful.
Oh yeah she would definitely be trying to bed him, she probably already tried to turn him straight 😂 x
Mar 8, 2024
If Brendan was straight she would 100% try to get with him, she thinks and wants to be his number one I would be interested in how many sales she gets as on the live it doesn’t look like much boxes are sold as the count for her boxes just go up for every live she does the last time it wasn’t even 100 boxes before the live ended and that was a 3 hour live that is pitiful.
I’d say she has thought to herself “he would sleep me with me. I’m so stunning that he couldn’t say no” she absolutely loves herself that she would think this
Mar 10, 2024
I’ve had similar experience except I do blame my mum, that’s where my issues start.

What’s done is done when it comes to us, all we ask is that they be good grandparents to our children. If it’s not manageable then it’s down to us to protect them. But sounds like they are making amends for short comings as parents.

I’ve had two family members in prison, one for murder. Sometimes things happen that you can’t control, and not everything is as black and white as people may want to think. ❤️
Again, it’s all these situations that make us mothers who want to protect.

Vav will have any ole guy round her children and that’s so fing dangerous. She’ll meet any one in another country that she’s not got a clue about. She doesn’t safeguard herself or her children.
Kudos to us all huni 💋

Us mothers always make the right choices/decisions for what’s best in our lives and our kids were strong mother fers who take no s!

Safe guarding my children will always be my no1 in life I’ve cut my in-laws off for that reason their toxic to my children 🫶🏻