Stephanie Vavron @stephanievavron


Jul 18, 2024
Tell me you’ve been on here again beefy without telling me

1. Someone told you to take your monstrosity dust catching thing above your bed down - doing it ✅
2. I mentioned you are still drinking caffeine even tho “ you’re allergic to it “ addressed it ✅

Beefy beefy you may as well ask for our autograph at this poibt

ALSO why do you think it’s ok to shout “ fing “ about 100 times infront of your child???? His first proper word will be fing at this point you weapon
Her mentioning the bed thing 🤣🤣🤣
Reading her again you are obsessed at this point beefy 😭😭😭😭


Apr 28, 2024
That pjs need to go in the wash. Gadz the smell I bet 🤢🤢🤢 it's been bloody roasting that last few nights and she has had them on🤢🤢

Get them off you tink and put them in the wash.
She's having a sweaty fanny day gads. Wonder when she last changed her bedding . I bet that house is a right mess max has probably already been sticking his fingers in all.that makeup that she has I bet it's all over the walls . Her carpets were a right mess in a previous video and that was months ago so you can imagine what there like now . Best save your pennies to replace them vav or you'll be off the private rent list faster than you can imagine. The sheer size of that house for a lot of the time 1 person is ridiculous and that's what your all paying your taxes for . Whilst she sits there contacting said tax payers work .
Mar 8, 2024
Just catching up and she riles me now more than ever , she’s at it. We were at Edinburgh zoo today with the kiddies then dropped them at my mums so my birthday celebrations can start 🥂 is your birthday an excuse to get mangled on a Wednesday 🫣
Sorry I didn’t see it was your birthday. Belated happy birthday. Hope you enjoyed getting mangled!
Mar 27, 2024
Buying engagement again 😂 also you’d need to learn basic English first you stupid cow. Can’t even speak right.
Personally, I think that listening to Big Vag and Aimless on a podcast would make me want to scratch my own ears off!!!!!

NO, Beefy breeks, you would NOT be great in a Podcast.
You would be terrible.

And lighten up on your language today.
It’s a disgrace …. in front of your child too.
I‘m no angel but I wouldn’t be using an many “effing’s” as you have this morning.
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